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Regarding tree-brother/ leebarr


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  • Moderator

After some investigation today, we have determined that the person who posted here as leebarr and tree-brother is in fact alive and well. We have banned the IP range associated with these accounts.


Please do not contact this individual about recent events. He's likely very embarrassed about the whole thing and we really don't need to add to that. If you are contacted, please forward it to Community@dragonmount.com and let myself or another staff member handle it.


Thank you for your patience and understanding.


What's all this about? I just read tree-brother's other thread, was he just being stupid or did someone else post as him? Just looking for some insight into this. e-drama perhaps?


It's too bad all this happened. Though I don't understand the need to do such things, I wish him the best and hope things get better for him. Tree-barr was a good writer, and will be missed around the Scribes chapter house.

  • Moderator

What's all this about? I just read tree-brother's other thread, was he just being stupid or did someone else post as him? Just looking for some insight into this. e-drama perhaps?


"Leebarr", for whatever reason, deleted his account and created the "tree-brother" account.  This person then decided to pretend he was a family member and post an announcement of his death. I'm really not sure of the reasons why. He did go to some pretty significant lengths to try to convince me of his demise though.


I always thought highly of ol Leebarr and tree-brother was even ok until the end. I wonder what made him go all Britany Spears on us?


Oh well, he was a good writer and even though he may not be dead, he will be missed.




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