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This was not the plan (attn: Tig and Ata)

Eadon Sedai

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The piece of paper in Eadon's hand said it all. Well, to anyone that wasn't her it would have said a bunch of gibberish. But to Eadon, it was a key. If she was going to be completely honest with herself, Eadon did not think confirmation would ever arrive. She thought it was simply false hope; a fool's errand.Well, if this is what it was like to be a fool, then bring it on. A lot of time, energy, and resources went into this private project of hers. And now it was time to see it through to the end. Letting the parchment fall to the smooth table top, Eadon used a small flow of fire to burn the message. She watched it dwindle down to ash and then  swept up the remains into her trash pail. There was no way that she would run the risk of anyone else seeing what was for her eyes only.


When Eadon came to the Tower she had recently had her eyes open to the evil in the world. Yet she still clung to her naivety. She was a friendly and sociable girl with many friends.  Sheena was her only enemy. Ok well there was her never-ending resentment and hatred toward Jaydena. Oh, there was that one Accepted she disliked around the time she first passed through her Arches.... Two Ajahs wanted her, but ultimately Eadon's desire to rid the world of the Shadow took a hold of her. It possessed her. It was her mission. And the piece of paper that now lay in ashes in her trash bin was going to help her on her mission. Now that she shed her naivete almost a life time ago, Eadon planned her actions accordingly. This job was something she alone would see through. She didn't dare trust anyone else with it. And so, Eadon moved in secret.


Being unbonded had it's upside and downside. Going out of the Tower alone was dangerous. But, if she were bonded, Eadon would need to worry about another person knowing her plans. Shaking off thoughts about something that wasn't going to change in the next few hours, Eadon set to planning her leave from the Tower. Nightfall was the easiest time to leave. She would dress plainly (which, no one would expect Eadon to do. She always tended to wear the most fashionable and expensive dresses that she could afford. Most would think it physically impossible for Eadon to own a plain woolen dress in drab colors). Her simplest green shawl would be packed. Eadon hoped this journey would be made without having to reveal who she really was. But, in case of an emergency, she was ready to over power anyone who got in her way with a reminder of how powerful she was as an Aes Sedai. She just wouldn't tell them that the Tower wasn't exactly behind her on this little mission of hers.


It isn't as easy to sneak around Tar Valon when one is an Aes Sedai as most would expect. Even though they were a common sight, people still watched as a woman with a Great Serpent ring and an  ageless face walked down the street. The city was packed full of people who had never even seen an Aes Sedai before let alone come so close to one. The shadows of darkness helped to hide Eadon as she tried to remain anonymous. Her goal was to make it so that if anyone asked, no one could report seeing her outside of the White Tower. She would, however, be seen by the guards posted at the bridge. Eadon sighed. She would need to convince them she was simply on an errand that took her outside of the city. An errand that would not warrant accompaniment. As it were, luck was apparently on the side of the Green Sister. The guards were distracted by some sort of scene caused by a petty thief. Eadon slipped past with nary a second glance. So far so good. Now if only her luck stayed with her then this trip would be a breeze.


The journey to Tarabon itself went smoothly. The weather was fair, and Eadon encountered no delays. She took this as a sign that all would be smooth sailing. Retrieving lost angreals was no task to be taken lightly. If she messed this up her neck would be on the line. She shuddered to think what would happen if she returned to the Tower empty handed.She already expected a chilly reception upon her return. But to come back without anything to show for her sneaking away? That would be disastrous.


Eadon set up in a small out of the way inn. It wasn't luxury, but it was comfortable enough. And so, Eadon was free to go about her searching. It took three days before she located an antiques store that might possibly hold what she was looking for.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Moghedien paced the room. Lampstands mounted on the stone wall gave the room a very haunting glow. The rug she paced was a deep crimson red, adorned with thread-of-gold. It ran the course of the long, narrow room and disappeared into the darkness far behind her. Before her was a gilded chair in front of a roaring fireplace. She glided across the rug in her dark dress, short train following her, and daintily sat in the chair and gazed into the endless flames.


The tips of her fingers connected as she went over her plans, making sure they were flawless. Things had fallen into her lap so nicely, she wanted to laugh out loud. First, she had found a nearly specific location to a stash of dream ter’angreal. The value of those to her were nearly endless. Secondly, a Dreadlord had newly been raised who happened to be from Tarabon and was familiar with Tanchico. Lastly, and almost most importantly, he was head over heels in love with her. She had never met this boy, but he was nearly infatuated. From the sounds of him, he would oppose the Great Lord if she told him to. This boy may be very useful to her.


Perhaps it was time to give this one a visit. Yes, he would finally meet his Mistress.




Tigara lay in his bed in the Fortress. He had made it his residence, since he could Skim. He slept an unusually deep sleep. He found himself dreaming of Tanchico, his hometown. He hadn’t been there in years, not since before his days as a dreaded Child of the Light. He was watching the imaginary Taraboners doing their business in the shops. He slipped into one shop to see what they were selling. As he closed the door, a woman appeared in front of him. She was not tall, but her presence was overpowering. She was adorned in black, and stared at him intently.


She spoke. “Bow before your Mistress, mortal. I am Moghedian.” As she formed the word “Moghedian” he was flat on his face. His Mistress was here to talk to him in his dream. He had heard of this Dreamwalking, but knew little of it. And here he was, witnessing it from the greatest Dreamwalker there has ever been. “Yes, Great Mistress. I live only to serve you.” Tigara couldn’t see it, but Moghedian smirked. "It appears your luck favors you, mortal. I have a job for you, but I cannot tell you here. Meet me at the Keshazi Manor in Arafel in a weeks' time. Do not be late." He barely got a "Yes, Great Mistress" out before she winked away and he woke up immediately.


He was still rather in shock at meeting Moghedien, his Mistress. But he wasted little time getting dressed. He donned his usual mock Whitecloak uniform, gathered some supplies from the kitchens, then got a good horse from the stables. Off he rode. To Arafel.


It wasn't very hard to find the meeting place, so he made it there right on time. He was greeted at the door by a young girl, Friend of the Dark no doubt, and led to a study. Moghedien sat in a ornate armchair eying him. Tigara immediately fell to the ground and bowed. "An honor to serve, Great Mistress." She eyed him and rose to study him. "Excellent. It seems you are capable of following orders. Now, what you must do is..."




Moghedien froze mid-word as a small ding sounded. Using Air, she opened the nearby closet, pushed the Dreadlord into it, then closed the door and locked it. She carried her voice over with the Power. "Don't hold the Source or make noise." A Gateway opened to reveal Be'lal walking through. She quickly wove a Circle of Silence. The boy could not learn of her plans.





Stuffed in a closet, Tigara was rather disoriented. Suddenly he heard his Mistress tell him to release the Source and stay quiet. Clearly, she had a reason, so he did as told. He spied a crack in the door and looked through. Curiosity might kill the cat, but he was glad he ignored that old saying. Through the crack, he saw a silvery line form mid-air, then widen to admit a man. His mind worked on memorizing that weave that he automatically knew to be some sort of Traveling, perhaps Skimming. He couldn't hear a thing.


A short time later, he saw this man, presumably another Chosen, make the same weave and left. The door opened and Moghedien beckoned him to come out. "Now, as I was saying, you must go to Tanchico. There is an antique shop where some special objects are being kept. I need them. You will get them for me. Do not tarry long. Now go!" He bowed and left. Just down the stairs, he decided to try that weave. Memorizing the floor, he wove and formed a Gateway. There was a small platform floating in mid-air, and he stepped on. He drifted away back to the Fortress.


He opened the other Gate in a back alley near where he had been dreaming. It was still dark here, so the businesses would not yet be open, but this would be a good time to scout out the antique store. It didn’t take long to find the two shops, which were rather close. He leaned against a building near the closer one and waited for morning.


Tigara Kazim


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  • 2 months later...

The plainly made dress itched Eadon's skin. She cursed her need for camouflaging herself. And these shoes! She missed the soft and supple silk slippers she left behind in the Tower. If only there were a way to go about this involving comfortable palace rooms and soft fabrics preferably tailored to fit her fine curves. Yet here Eadon was traipsing around Tanchico in a sack like dress and hard shoes. Such was life.


In her right hand Eadon gripped the directions the innkeeper had written out for her. The handwriting was rough and barely legible, but Eadon was ready to try anything. This was her fifth day in this dreadful city and she was getting tired of her search. If it weren't so important she might have given it up already.


She glanced down at the directions one last time and looked up at the sign above her. This seemed to be the right place. Eadon pushed open the door and surveyed her surroundings. It was a modest shop that looked cleaner than some of the other stores on this street. Even still, Eadon was sure she glanced a mouse somewhere off to her left. The proprietor of the shop was standing in the back. It was time to use the One Power; something she tried to avoid while in this city. Using small flows of air, Eadon caused a large stack of chairs piled up on one another to topple over. This caused a suitable enough distraction. Eadon slipped to the back of the store and through the doorway leading to the basement. It was by pure experience that she knew the object she sought would be kept of the show room floor.


The basement, as expected, was dusty and dank. Eadon brought out a scented handkerchief hidden in the sleeve of her simple dress and covered her nose with it. She stepped lightly through the piles of debris, rejected antiques, and boxes. Somewhere in this mess could be exactly what she was after. Eadon set to work and sorted through the first box she saw. So engrossed in her search, she failed to hear the footsteps coming down the stairs behind her.

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The streets filled with busy people going abuot thier somehwat violent business. This was really a horrible city. Tigara made his way into the antique store and began browsing over the objects on display. Nothing here. They're likely hidden away, but where. The building had three floors. There were some interesting things on display, but not what he was looking for. Some cuendillar, some jewelry, some old porcelain, some figurines, but no ter'angreal.


He shivered as he sensed saidar being used and his long blonde hair flashed as he whipped his head around to see a stack of chairs topple over. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something slip into the back. Were the other Chosen sending minions to get this stash? He can not fail his Mistress. He embraced the Source and used a flow of air to gag the shopkeeper, who was the only one present. He used further flows of air to bind his arms and legs, then floated him to a corner, tied the flows, and wove folded light over the tubby man. He gave a low "I'll deal with you later," then swept to the back of the shop.


Tig slowly descended a flight of stairs and peered down. A woman wearing what appeared to be a potato sack was rummaging through some boxes. She must have been the one who channeled. Still holding saidin, Tigara readied a Shield and some flows of air as he further descended the stairs. She hadn't noticed him, or at least gave no signs of it. He wrapped Air around her arms and legs, and then in her mouth after she gave out a scream, then slammed the shield down before she could reach the Source. He circled around to face her and peered into her face. She definitely had the ageless look of an experienced channeler, be he did not recognize her. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?" he demanded of her.


Tigara Kazim


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  • 1 month later...

OOC: I suck  :P Sorry




A string of profanities flew through Eadon's mind. Shielded! Bound! Gagged! Really, did it get worse than this? Fear coursed through her veins as Eadon fought against her invisible bonds. It was no used, as she suspected. The man in front of her not only was a darkfriend, but must be a Dreadlord as well. OK, that made it slightly worse. Always the Green (although not one that listened too closely, apparently) Eadon had a knife hidden in her boot heel, the small of her back, and the one she used to keep her hair in a tight bun. It was the one that no one expected to find. Unfortunately it might as well have been a feather for all the good it did her at this very moment.


"Who are you, and what are you doing here?"


Eadon rolled her eyes. Not only would she not have responded, but she couldn't! She was gagged! This was surely going to be loads of fun.

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This was going to be harder than he thought. How could she answer? He gagged her! Puling up his full strength, he wove a Circle of Silence to cover the two of them, then ungagged her. He stared her down for a moment then responded once again. "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

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