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A Swan attacked me!


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Just thought I'd share this little story with you.


About 10 minutes ago I was outside. It's really nice out right now and I spent the morning cleaning my place in anticipation for some guests.  I was pretty much done everything and I decided to take advantage of the weather. I went out side, armed with a small bag of goose feed, I live by the river and there's always geese right behind my apartment - we buy goose feed in little bags from the bulk store, I don't know what's in it.


Anyway, so there I am, sitting and throwing bits at the ducks.  Then a SWAN swims out from behind some concrete. 


First of all, I had no idea swans were THAT huge.

Anyway, so I of course decide to throw some goose feed his (her?) way.

Apparently swans really don't like having food thrown at them.  So it starts barking at me and swims right up to the edge of the water.  At this point, because of it's size it's close enough to start pecking at me.  So it proceeds to do so.


It hurt.


I ran.


And now I'm telling you all about it.


I've decided I don't like swans as much anymore.


And that's my story.


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Guest Stefania Sedai

That's too funny! We were at a zoo one time and a black swan snapped at my son's toes through his sandals! Apparently they have very bad tempers!

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Guest nephitess

Oh dear! Swans are not very nice birds. *nods* pretty and elegant when swimming around..but don't mess with them.


I hope your ok. :)

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We have a park with a large pond that these ducks and geese flock to.  We used to go there with stale bread(pretty cheap at the bakery) and feed it to them.  Problem is they are not shy around humans and will literally surround you.  When you run out of food......they get.......upset.  :o

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