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Freelanders Caemlyn Carnival - Bubble of Evil RP


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Now that you know where it is, I'll explain why I'm advertising it :)


The Freelander Bubble of Evil RP is a chance for everyone to get in and have some fun. While only PC's that are with the Freelanders may post on the thread, NPC's are a different matter. If you've been toying with the idea of writing a death scene, or are just plain bored, here is the opportunity for you to do some writing.


All you need do is write a character dying, no need to write a bio beforehand. This of course is on faith you aren't smuggling sa'angreal, uber sword skillz or channeling like there ain't no tomorrow :) You guys should know the do's and do nots though. The specific details of how one may die, and other summarised info can be found in the link below.




Have fun guys! :)

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Now that you know where it is, I'll explain why I'm advertising it :)


The Freelander Bubble of Evil RP is a chance for everyone to get in and have some fun. While only PC's that are with the Freelanders may post on the thread, NPC's are a different matter. If you've been toying with the idea of writing a death scene, or are just plain bored, here is the opportunity for you to do some writing.


All you need do is write a character dying, no need to write a bio beforehand. This of course is on faith you aren't smuggling sa'angreal, uber sword skillz or channeling like there ain't no tomorrow :) You guys should know the do's and do nots though. The specific details of how one may die, and other summarised info can be found in the link below.




Have fun guys! :)

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