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The requriments


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hey anyone have any coments, feedbacks or ideas in regards to them


not looking to overhaul them if they work, but will look into sugestions that come up as they are not suposed to be this undoable hindrance to get over


be aware that its posible to send in sugestions for electible modules to be added to the list, if there is something you feel would be usefull that is missing.


I know the ws system is hanging a lil out there *points* so i am working on one that can help as a guidance to how to earn ws (which in our division for the humans at least is not tied to the ranks)

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Well, from what i gather there's a lot of options open to choose from for CotS Dreadies, so i don't really have any suggestions.


Only thing that springs to mind is that the options to choose from in the WT reqs almost pale in comparison... Maybe make a general board-wide list of optional RPs to choose from, and keep a couple of 'div specific' ones listed separately?


What would be Weapon Specialisation to CotS would be Warders 101 in the WT, for example.


Dunno if i'm making sense, it's that time of the morning again here ^^;

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Part of the reason they are different is because the different in character organisations would have different needs at what their members need to learn, further to not make it boring to members who is in many divisions, ie doing the same reqs over and over and over just with different chars


some things like intro there is only so much you can do about it. while other things like shadowspawn class is 2 completely different things in the wt/wy compared to here in cots, namely cause 1 we have different view on spawn, 2 we have different information avaliable.


As DL its actualy my aim to have reqs as different as posible from other divisions so that we are 1 uniquely separate and not just a slightly different version of some other division, and 2 so that people like mentioned having chars in more divisions wont get bored doing the req's


This is the mind set i am working from per today anyhow...migth be i am in error on some points, thats the whole point of raising this discusion, we have litle activety and i hear less from my members now then before on my IMs...so i am taking comunication onto the boards *s*

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Haven't gotten my scores yet but I agree with Jehaine that you already have good reqs. There is a wide variety to choose for the optional and the main reqs are good. I don't see why no one else is posting as I can't wait to start as soon as I get my scores!

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erm which scores do you lack? i'm the one to asign them....op scores?


also as long as your bio is aproved and CCed you can post, the scores just need done to get recorded and for you to know which weaves you can use in which elements your strong and weak and whatnot...but aint in itself a hindrance for you to rp

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OP and WS for Dainin. Didn't know I could RP without them ;)




Edit: Got the scores and returned my individual Strengths back to shadowhall. Thanks Ata! Please see my Questions post. Was wondering if there are any active Dreadies of Dreadlord/lady rank around for RP's. ;)

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