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Silly Question


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And you know, the answer totally could've been somewhere and I totally missed it, but...


How do we handle Warders who lose their Sisters, whether through the Aes Sedai's own misadventure or natural death?  Does the Warder remain a Warder, or do they get 'demoted' back to Tower Guard?



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I do not really see being made a Tower Guard again as a demotion, but the way it has worked in the past is that they remain Gaidin. Obviously they do not have all of the advantages that they normally get from their sister, but I feel like the title is still deserved :)

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i thougth they went back to TG, as a warder literary is warding an AS and as such get their duties from the AS, while the TG is the unbonded who get their asignments from the comander?

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there is no differense in experience and ws in so far as limits goes...the only thing that set them apart is that a bonded warder get gifts due the bond, these go away when the bond break, unless the bond remain through transfer obviously


my TG was ws 18 before she bonded, she is still ws 18 so her figthing skill has not improved, merely her stamina in how long she can go before falling over from lack of energy or feed


the experience from any battles she gain as a warder she could just as easily gained as a TG by escorting some other AS unbonded into battle


the bond is what makes the differense, its OP spiffed, the only thing i thougth was different is that they got to keep their cloack, as i know TGs who where ex warders generaly rped still having their cloack...otherwise i asumed them to be TGs as they are no longer one womans warder/bodyguard


as eqw said its not a demotion, they are side by side just two definations based on where you serve...TG serve in the yard, warders serve their given AS

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  • 2 weeks later...

when my AS "died" and the bond was snapped, I was told Corwin is a TG again.  Like Ata has already pointed out, you would retain any WS, since that isn't based on being bonded.  But you would be a different type of TG, if that makes sense.  Yes you would wear the uniform, but people would know you were bonded before.  I personally envision it that you would be highly respected, but also all kinds of rumors would go around that you're crazy or anything like that....  Hopefully that helps ya.



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She's not crazy, she's just... bemused, and hiding the pain ;)


...You mean masochistic?


Owait, bemused, not amused. My bad ;D


Still, has it ever been explained in the Books what it feels like for a Warder to have his/her Aes Sedai die? The other way around, we see composed AS becoming nervous wrecks, but yeah... How does it feel to a Warder to have the bond snapped by death?

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If I recall correctly, death snapping the bond sends the Warder off to try and make with the revenge and the killing.  That's why I've kept it ambiguous in Mari's case; I doubt that Taeadra (her Aes Sedai) will ever find her way back to Dragonmount, but neither of us have the heart to kill her, either, so we're keeping it purposefully ambiguous :)

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they become a mad wolf on a killing search for revenge, lan was none to happy of having his bond transfered...by the books most will get themself killed or something in search for revenge or something, which is why moraine set it up so that his bond would transfer because she know he loves nyna, and thinks his future lay in warding her not in searching his death

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