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Fight Club


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As the rp coordinator for the warders, I'm here to announce a new rp opportunity for all the different people of DM.


Fight Club - Elite club of Fighters designed to test your skills


Requirements to join

- Must have a WS of 11


How to join

- Send email to warders.rp@gmail.com and fill out OOC interview

- After email is sent an IC invitation will be sent for the beginning of the new season


Steps to Fight Club


- 1st meeting - fight hand to hand against another new initiate

- 2nd meeting - fight against an opponent with a handicap (one hand tied, blindfolded, etc..)

- 3rd meeting - fight an opponent of your choice

- 4th meeting - fight in a tag team

- 5th meeting - Free for all battle with everyone


To become a full fledged member of the club you must complete three out of the five meetings


General Rules

-Seasons last until each of the five meetings have been completed, with a tournament happening at the end

-You may join at any time, but cannot become a member until three meetings have been attended

-Meetings will happen after everyone has finished, or until a reasonable amount of time has passed

-Records shall be kept

-All meetings are held two hours away from Tar Valon in a secret place known only to members of Fight Club at a special camp designed just for them

- No AS (can't anyway, can't have WS of 11)

- No Trollocs - shadowspawn would be killed on sight

- All Allegiances drop at the door (No one knows where you are from, CoL, DF, etc)

- Common Courtesy - before you squeel or attempt to find out about the Fight Club talk to the Founder first (because the founder will be prosecuted if the White Tower ever found out about Fight Club, and these are peoples characters so you don't want to cause actions they do not know about with out their permission first).


Fight Club Rules

1 You do not talk about Fight Club (IC, OOC you may talk)

2 You DO NOT talk about Fight Club.

3 Someone yells "Stop!", goes limp, taps out, the fight is over.

4 Only two to a fight (unless it Rage of the Club)

5 One fight at a time. (there will be an IC order but each fight will be started in its own thread the day of the meeting)

6 No shoes, no weapons, no channeling.

7 Fights will go on as long as they have to.

8 If you go on leave you must email warders.rp@gmail.com other wise you will automatically lose your fights assigned to you for however long you are gone.

9.  All Allegiances, Alliances, Enemies shall be forgotten in Fight Club


Fight Win/Losses/Ties

-Your win/loss/tie ratio plus a random luck factor(1 to 10) AND your weapon score will determine who will win each match up

-Equation: 2*Wins + Ties - Losses + LCK + WS = FS (Fight Score) Basically, the more experience you have, the better you will do.



- Everyone fights (there is no Rage Club that meeting)

- Line up will be determined by Win/Loss/Tie ratio (2*wins + Ties - Losses) sorted as highest ratio versus lowest ratio

- FS will be determined as above


Interview Questions

1.  OOCly Why do you want to join Fight Club?

2.  Do you understand the rules of fight club?

3.  ICly why do you wish your charater to join Fight Club?

4.  Do you currently know anyone ICly who is part of fight club?  If yes, who?  If you do not, how do suggest we find out about you and your fighting abilities?


Acceptance Process

- Interview will be reviewed by Fight Club commitee (4 "founding" members of Fight club)

- If you know someone from Fight Club ICly they will ask you to join them on the first of the month

- If you do not know anyone currently in Fight Club then a decision on how you are entered into the ranks will be given

- You will receive an email back stating you have been accepted into Fight Club with information on the next meeting, who will invite you to the meeting and how they will find out about you if you do not already know them

- You will be required to post accepting the invitation to join and MUST go through the 3 meeting intitation process



1.  Tyler Durden - TPC



Thanks to Mat for all of the original planning. I'm just helping resurrect it.

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Might be something fun to do with an NSW or some such, that is, if we're working under the assumption that someone'll take extreme notice of the eyes, and that they're likely to get scooped up by the White Tower.. dunnae :)

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Well the whole point of this club is people only come here to fight, nothing else. If a person wanted to they could come in fully masked or with their faces painted in bizarre designs and not say their name, fight, then leave. But on the other hand, they could come in displaying exactly who they were, because the club is a secret society that transcends race, or affiliation. Darkfriends can fight in it against Aiel, Children of the Light against Warders, and no one would go beyond the rules of the club or try to harm anyone outside of their match because they would end up "missing" and no one would hear of their exploits. Everyone is safe at the club, but if it still doesn't seem like you could find a way ICly to participate, your more then welcome to create an NSW. The whole point of this isn't as much extreme character development but instead have a lot of fun writing fight scenes with one another.

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