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Step into the White (ATTN: Muirenn)


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Jerinia plucked at the clothing she had been given. She had had little problems putting it on, and the Mistress of Novices had made a decent guess at her measurements when she had given her the dress, but still... she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.


A rap on the door brought her out of her thoughts, and she yelped out a quick "Coming, Aviana Sedai!", resulting in a semi-annoyed grunt from the Accepted at the other end of the door. Not knowing how she was to address an Accepted, she just played it safe and added the 'Sedai' to her name, though she was probably not supposed to be doing that -- oh well.


The door opened a few seconds later, and Aviana wasted little time in bringing her over to where the Sitters had their offices. Stopping at a door bearing the symbol of the Red Ajah, she tapped on the door far more gently than she had back in the Novice quarters, awaiting a reply from the person inside.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Wait here, i'll see if i can find her."


And with that, Aviana stalked off, leaving Jerinia standing in from of the door to the Red Sitter's office. Even though she had been told to wait, she decided to give the door a knock herself, to see if there really was no one inside.


Stepping up to the door, she did indeed knock. Far louder than the Accepted had, anyway. Looking around to see if there was anyone else in the halls, she stepped back again, either awaiting a reply or Aviana heading back to the office with whomever this Shevara Sedai person was she was supposed to see.

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Shevara looked up quickly from her writing, thinking she had heard something.  But no other sound came, and she went back to her letter.  She hated writing, and used a clerk whenever she could.  But this information was far too sensitive to trust to any clerk.  There were rumors that Malkier was being infiltrated by Darkfriends, that the fall of the city was imminent.  It would surely work out fine in the end.  But certainly not worth scaring a clerk over.


A few minutes later she heard a firm rap at the door and got up quickly, leaving her missive aside, and grateful for the excuse to do so.  What she saw when she opened the door was quite a surprise.  There stood a girl in novice white.  Brand new from the look of her, and wearing a ki'sain of all things!  Well now, that was a surprise.  Few enough Malkieri girls came to the Tower, and fewer were allowed to remember their homeland in such an obvious way.  Shevara hadn't worn her own ki'sain in well over a hundred years.  Hers had been blue, never having been married, and she had been required to remove it when she was entered into the novice book.  Either the Mistress of Novices was becoming lax in her discipline, or this girl would need a stronger dose.  Either way she would be dealt with, and in short order.


"Name, girl," Shevara snapped, not really waiting to hear the answer, "I assume you're new, and have been given over to my charge.  Well, I can't say much for the quality of the girls they've sent me recently, perhaps you'll be a change for the better.  Come in and let me get a look at you."


She stalked over to the low fireplace and took a high-backed chair gesturing the child toward the other, "I am Shevara Sedai, of course.  You would have been told, if you knew where to find me.  Now, tell me about yourself.  How much schooling have you been given?  Can you read?  Make a decent hand?  Do sums?  It's much easier if you've already been taught the basics, but if not the Tower will soon make a proper woman of you.  Training in the Power is only a part, I fear.  We will test your aptitude in that area also, and I will assign you to the proper teachers for your level in the other more mundane subjects.  Now, have you any questions?"


-Shevara Edosian

Red Sitter

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As the door opened, Jerinia blinked for a moment, not really having expected to see anyone in there after all. Still, the way Shevara snapped a question at her managed to bring her back to her senses soon enough -- she guessed the Red had far more experience in demanding people's attention than the red headed Novice had imagined.


- "Uhh... Jerinia, Aes Sedai. Jerinia Zaralyn. Aviana Accepted... Sedai... was told by the Mistress of Novices to guide me here, and she went to look for you when there was no reply."


Her face lit up as she remembered something, and she searched through her dress looking for something. Eventually, she took out a -- now crumpled -- piece of paper, and held it out to the Red Sitter.


- "Umm... wait... Knew i had it here somewhere.... AH! The Mistress of Novices gave me this letter for you." ^_^


Unfortunately, she was so caught up in her search for the piece of paper she had been given that she hadn't really paid much attention to what Shevara had been asking just now about her education. Not that it mattered much though, as she was unaware of what would be considered a 'proper' education this far south of her homeland.


- "Huh? Yeah, i can read and write and stuff, why'd you ask? SEDAI!"


She had almost forgotten the honorific again. She really needed to make a habit out of it soon, from what her father had told her the officers in the army didn't like it either, and she believed it applied to the White Tower as well. Or not. Better to be on the safe side, anyway.

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