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Graendal and Aran'gar


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We've seen Aran'gar apparently trying to "befriend" Graendal, working on a possible alliance from her PoV (forgotten what book this is in). Graendal seems fairly open to the idea, according to Aran'gar, but we know Graendal's very sneaky so she'd probably be planning to back stab Aran'gar at some point if they did form an alliance. Aran'gar also makes it sound like she's got some plan to kill Rand and rebel against Moridin. But we only have one book left, and a lot that needs to be packed in. So will we see anything come of Aran'gar's plans? If so, what?

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    I think as long as any Forsaken has life enough to draw breath and comunicate they will be making plans wether to bring another forsaken down or to bring thier advantage up. Considering, that Arangar is now found out by the rebel Aes Sedai, she/he may come up against more problems.

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I reckon it was probably setting up for where Aran'gar went after she fled the Rebels, but meh.


Frankly i dont see Aran'gar surviving trying to manipulate Graendal. Graendal plays in a whole nother ball park to what Aran'gar can manage, and as Graendal herself said, she's had a lot of allies, though no one knows it now because they are all dead.

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