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Character idea


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I was thinking about PMing or emailing this, but then i figured the Freelander forums could use some love, so here goes.




I was thinking about a pirate character. None of that whole Darkfriend stuff, just an 'old-fashioned' criminal posing as a trader. One that has command over a small vessel of her own, possibly even have a Talent. Listening to the Wind comes to mind, but it requires her to be able to channel according to the WT so i don't know if i'm going to end up doing that. Probably not, since i want to ultimately end up with a high WS on her.


Either way, it'll be a while before i actually submit her since i already have three new characters at the moment, and want them to get settled in a bit first. I'm looking for a bit of feedback on the idea, maybe get a couple of pointers on things i might have overlooked and such.


So umm... Anything i should keep a lookout for?

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Yay, it lives!


Err, i mean... Yeah, sounds good to me. <.< >.>


Anyway, i'll write up the application and add a comment that she'll be on hold until further notice, okay?

I was kind of worried that there'd be nobody to RP with since most people don't enjoy talking to the people boarding and looting them ^^;

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Great!  I might be able to find some like-minded people too.  Dilora doesn't have a ship, but a wagon.  I'm sure she could be taking river transport though.  I'll see what I can come up with, as I've always wanted to do a piratical type RP :D


*big grin*

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nods rigtho...FL is a own division with several subdivisions, talent, channeling and ws rules differs from div to div


in FL most channelers  is within SF SC Kin, though i'd think with an good idea like this you'd be able to freelance as a wilder who survived on own, though not knowing musch about actualy channeling unless you learn from someone and get over block


Most talents is related to OP but not all.


here you can read about talents in freelanders



also WS is generaly asigned within 0-5 (differs in different divisions) based on the bio and what the bio checker thinks is fair. And from there you have to do rp req's training of some type to earn more WS *s*


ws in FL can be read about here



hope this helps till some FL staff can get around to help you further out ;)

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Hmm... I might be able to go with being a wilder with zero skill, all i was basically aiming for is Listening to the Wind (i checked on the WT site, there's 3 out of 3 slots open ^^; ).


The main problem i was having with it was that it required being able to channel (though with minimal amounts of Air and Water i recall), but as long as that's not an issue here i'll just write it off as future character development ^_^


Also, about the WS... I mentioned her still being relatively new with the weapon (*cough*loot*cough*) so her WS should still be within the 0-5 range ^^

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