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What upsets Jelly the most...


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"I don't think you quite understand. After my dogs had a litter of puppies last year, they were sold, and I thought that would at least spare me the pain when they passed away of what I hoped would be old age, even if I didn't get to keep one. Now imagine my shock when a couple of weeks ago I found out my favourite one had died.

So, really, even in a jokey way, puppies and anything to do with death mentioned in the same sentence is going to upset me."


Puppies and death people.  I want to see you making the most of this new information.

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Bloody insensitive..*cough*. No I won't resort to insults..

If anyone is truly spiteful enough to use such a thing, then go ahead, but it will not get rid of me, it will just upset me. Of course, I'm sure that will please you all just as much.

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