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WT Newsletter Attn: Raeyn


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Jaydena has asked me to post this for you to make the necessary changes for the Welcome letter that is sent out to prospective members/new novices.


If you could, update it and repost it here for me to get and send back to her.  Thanks so much!!


The Brown Ajah

The Brown Ajah is extremely versatile. Other Ajahs may specialise but philosophers, negotiators and peace-makers can find their home in the hallowed halls of the Brown Ajah. The Browns are interested in everything and everyone, curious, eager to learn. They travel widely, studying the customs of other lands or whatever topic interests them. 

Brown Aes Sedai are interested in bare facts. The Browns are dedicated to their causes but never let passion blind them. Their Sisters care not only for each other but for history, education and tradition - women who appear to care only for the next page but in reality have one foot in the past and one eye on the future.

If you think the Brown Ajah might be the right Ajah for you, contact Shaneevae OOC Head of the Brown Ajah.

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