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Even though we are few! (ATTN: ALL)


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I know we are few right now, but I am hoping to get some activity going. One RP that is going on right now was started by a new RPer! It is her trainee's arrival to the Tar Valon.


Please any and all who are around jump on board. I have been holding off with Thera for a bit, meeting the MoT right off might not be the most fun *winks*


Also, there is an RP in the White Tower right now, where our beloved Amyrlin has died. I am sure since there were sisters out riding a few Tower Guards/Warders were along. hint hint nudge nudge.


I am working on a few more ideas that I will post early next week!



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holy crap Deac.....long time no see...how you been amigo.


I'll try to see if I can't get some things going...maybe training a few more battle crazy Ren'Shai to terrorize the neighborhood.




Llugh of the Strong Arm

Tower Guard


Master of Ren'Shai

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There are you few options. If you think she is not coming back you can always apply to have the bond disolved. Then you would write it however it you think it would have happened. Or, if you think she may come back you can always just RP without her for now.

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