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call of duty 4 for 360

jefferson james

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Don't worry about "clans" necessairly. Just find some people online you can be friendly with and join there rooms.


Me and my buddies can take most clans in Search and Destroy and we're not a "clan".


That said, if having a clan matters alot they are not a terrible thing. I'm just saying they are not a necessity.


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I agree that there not necessary although Im just looking for a steady group of people to play with.  I just like the idea of dominating a games using strategy and actually communicating with other members of the team.  I have notice that neither of those things occur very often, but the few times that I have been on a team with people who play often with each other, they do and the game is more enjoyable.

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Again, you don't need a clan to do that. It helps at times, so I can understand your desire there.


What modes do you play the most?




Most clans play alot of Hardcore and Non-Hardcore Search and Destroy. You might want to practive on that mode for a while and work off that.

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Camping is good against Rambo types.  ;)


I play all the modes except domination alot. There's just not alot of extra points to be had and regular old Capture the Flag is kinda boring. At least Headquarters constantly moves the flag all the time.


"Camping" gets a negative conintation too much. What, should I be running down the street sprint button pressed with an assult rifle every frickin time? Except in Search and Destroy you can't spawn kill the other team unless you're good with a nooob tube. Even then I have only been gotten once in 1 month on one of them, so if you're smart you learn where people will do it and not be there.


Slow down, check your corners, aim better. If everyone, including me, followed this then you wouldn't hate "campers". Also, I <3 claymores. No one seems to be able to look down. Bomb Squad is our friend if your attacking.


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I like a good planned team attack. 


Ever play on Shipment and that one guy is camping in the box picking you off and calling in airstrikes? 


How about that board... the one with the statue... and you are coming into the house from the side and the floor has that hole in it.  Does it not piss you off when someone is just sitting there picking off people when they come in the door?


Camping is when you sit in one spot and let people come to you.  Obviously this gives you the advantage because you probably only need to cover one entrance or what not.  That is what makes me angry. 

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Hi... I am all for some COD4 whenever.  I am a little rusty but usually dominate after a game or two.  Dominate meaning I am usually in 1st or 2nd on my team. 


I play headquarters and domination.  Otherwise it turns into a camp fest. 



cool,  Whats your gamer tag?  You called also use mine, JeffersonJames and just send me a request.

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