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Coincidence with angular writing?


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Hi all,


First time poster, but longtime WOT fan.  I have read all the books and now I am making another strafing run through.


I noticed that in the GH Chapter 6 Aes Sedai notice the prophecies written in blood on the walls of the dungeon.  One of the writings was written in "angular" writing.


Also, Padan Fain was surprised when he recognized who rescued him, but he seemed to know who it was.


Then in TFOH the letters Rand receives in Carhien from both 'White Towers' the one from Elaida is written in "angular" writing (probably written by Alviarin Freidhen and signed by Elaida.)


Do you think that it could have been Alviarin that rescued him and wrote the prophecies in blood?  Does anyone have any more info? 


It is such a minor point, but WOTphiles want to know everything!





The message on the wall in Fal Dara was written by a myrdraal.


No, Verin said it was written by a myrdraal, and since she was not there for the actual writing, (presumably,) this was only an assumption on Verin's part.  With that said, the fact that Fain and Alviarin met up later and did not appear to recognize each other seems to entirely disprove this idea.  None the less, it still is a good catch, and it makes me wonder if any other aes sedai, (Liandrin or Ingtar perhaps?) has exhibited angular writing.

Week 10 Question: In The Great Hunt, who wrote the Dark Prophecy on the dungeon wall in Fal Dara? And why, after Ingtar released Padan Fain from the dungeon, did Fain decide to go to Toman Head? We know he was rebelling against Ishamael's orders (he was supposed to follow the Myrddraal to Shayol Ghul) but why did Fain go to Cairhien and then to Toman Head?


Robert Jordan Answers: A Myrddraal wrote the Dark Prophecy on orders, as a threat. I might want to use some of the reasons, so the rest on that is RAFO.



Guest leebarr

there was two AS at the dark friend meeting Bore's was at it could have been one of them


When it mentions "angular writing" in these cases, it means it's in Trolloc script - just like the angular writing cut into the wayposts in the Ways.  (With the exception of Elaida's letter, which is actually just angular handwriting, which makes sense considering both Elaida and Alviarin's personalities :) )


Ingtar rescued him from the dungeon, though he's probably meeting Egwene and Mat at that point where we go to him in the dungeon, and a mydraal wrote the script as RJ himself says.


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