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A lot to be done


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Been thinking about the fact that we Kin have a lot to do coming up very soon with the resolution of the Bowl of Winds RP (can you believe it's actually gonna get off the ground finally!  ... so exciting!) and afterwards.


Which of the players who already have Kin characters are actually *IN* Ebou Dar for the event?  I'd love for us to all chit chat a bit about our characters and what we know about each other since we would probably have a little knowledge of one another.  ;)


This should make our interaction in the rp a little easier.  I'll hit this thread later this afternoon with a bit more about my character but anyone can feel free to go first if they desire.





Former Red, Now Mother & Merchant, Kin

Queen of Altra's Faction

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Okay I'm almost ready to post my "getting to know Telcia" post here, I promise, LOL!  Taea, I'm sure there has to be a way to get you to us.  Do any of the Kin or AS have knowledge of your character?  Any chance my eyes and ears in some part of the world might tip me off to your pc?  Any ideas on how we might rope you in?  I definitely want to see the Kin get active cause we really do have some amazing things on the horizon for Altara.

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Rumor has it the staff is talking about the suggestions that were made, I'm not going to be completely gone until my fears about no willingness to work with us is confirmed.  I'm going to await announcements tomorrow to see what is being done.  As I keep saying, I'm not totally unreasonable or a jerk, I just wanted to be heard and responded to with regard to what seemed like an unfair situation.  I'm not holding my breath, however.



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