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"new intiates" take up discusion


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from what i gather several has not rped out their actualy turning, or take up in the BA...what can be done to fix this


how is it viable that such a thing happen, without it compromising the ajah to a ligthfool..


what are the traditions for take up, the steps and measures put into action to check out things and make sure you dont bite yourself in the behind when recruiting someone

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Oh God, how long ago did I make that?! ::giggles::


If you post on there, Ata, I can add you to permissions.




As for RPing a turning... I didn't do that.  Nope.  I used a period in my life when I had to be away from DM for a time (military basic training) to work into the storyline the event that caused Raeyn to turn (the death of her father), but didn't bother with RPing it out.  I'm honestly not even sure how to express her being found by other Blacks and taken in - once again, we left that implied, and it worked out better AND kept the rest of the RPers from knowing until I did something as a Black sister :)


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