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Reviving the Dead


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Hey guys!

It's been an incredibly long time since I've had time to RP and was wondering if my trainee (whose name may be misspelled on the new site) is still active. Or if wandering away after such a long time is grounds for having to create a new character?


And do the Trainees still have teams or some such? Thats the last real thing that I remember before dissapearing offline, Lyv (when she was the MoT) had implimented a trainee team thing? ring bells?

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The teams are in the process of being reworked.


You do not have to create a new character if you leave, you do need to update your bio with where your character has been since you left and send it to warders.bios@gmail.com


Your name should be exactly the same as it was when you were first added to the database, the database has only changed locations it's the exact information.  If it needs updating then you need to add that to your bio and ask for it to be changed.



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Guest Arie Ronshor

I found the Bio. (See other thread) :) I just transfered it over as that was how I remembered seeing it.


Welcome back. :)

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