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How were your holidays?


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It has been a while since we did one of these how are you doing threads, so it is about time :)


I still feel like I am not back to my normal routine as tomorrow I leave at noon to celebrate New Year with friends. I can't remember when I have last seen my family as much as during the holidays even though we live in the same city. Luckily the exposure has come in tolerable doses so everything has gone really well ;)


I obviously was a pretty good girl this year since I got fairly much pressies. Mostly money, girly beauty stuff, books and some home decorations. My favourite gifts would be the handbag my husband gave me or the pretty shoes that I bought with my X-mas money.


How about you?


Oh, and Happy New Year everyone!

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Guest Arie Ronshor



Christmas was all wonderful and good this year. Oddly enough it was not the presents that made the holiday but the family for me. It was a hard year for all of us, but it was the first time in 5 years (for me) to have the full Christmas eve and Day off from work and the first time in over a year (perhaps not since christmas in 2005) for the whole family to be together in one place at a given time. It was really very wonderful and the best christmas present I could ask for. It being a rough year for the whole family it was good to end it on a high note. :)

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Yeah for holidays!  It was a tough one for us, flying with 2 youngsters isn't easy, but they were great about it.  Lots of presents and it's been great to talk with my family and get a lot of feedback about my son.  For anyone who doesn't know, he was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder in May.  He's been in therapy for about 6 months now and it was awesome to see him and how much better he was able to react to everyone back home.  Even better to see a video my in-laws had taken on their trip in April and see how he wouldn't interact with them to then look at how he was now :P  Made me feel really good about everything we've been doing for him, so that really made the holidays for me.


Another good note, my hubby and I are buying ourselves tickets to go see Wicked as presents to one another so i'm looking forward to that sometime this month :P  Yeah! 

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Christmas--GREAT!  Got a keyboard (meaning a piano keyboard :P with which to annoy all roommates, friends and family members), music, verb books, new iPod, other stuffs... ate lots of turkey and food, hid from my family, drove my father nuts, annoyed my sisters... my family loves me :D


New Years Eve--GREAT!


New Years Day is officially being named Hangover Day and right now I have no idea how I'm going to survive the company at my 'rents place...

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New Year was for me an alomst 24 hour party. The last time I was this physicly active was on the Kendo championship in November. The party was followed by a 2 hour Kendo practice session. To my shame though, I managed to endure only and hour and a half of that before falling asleep

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