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[Movie] National Treasure: Book of Secrets


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This was the first of the double header of movies I saw day after Christmas.


For the most part this is just a fun movie.  If you try to look at it from a "that could never happen" point of view you wouldn't enjoy it.  There's a lot of stuff that would make you say "Oh c'mon, for real?".  The acting I thought was decent, and the story was fun.  So I guess to rap it up, this was a fun movie.


Anyone seen it?

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There are not many top movies I let slide out of the theatres waiting for them to come on TV, but this is one.  I thought the first movie was ok... but the second one looks over the top.  I would probably see it if there were not a few other movies out at the moment I want to see.

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I'd have to be really bored to see this film. the first one was just ok and I doubt the second is much better. Plus I dont have too good memories from the first movie. Bf got sick in the movies when we saw it the first time and we had to go home.  :P

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