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Min's first viewings in EotW?


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MAt will pluck his own eye out and give it to the fox people as payment for them releaseing Moraine. Half the light of the world to save the world, Rand will fail and fall without her, Min said so.







From the faq


Egwene's dream--  Mat, placing his own left eye on a balance scale.


Not fulfilled. The most likely interpretation is that Mat will sacrifice his eye. This meshes with some of Min's visions, and the "half the light of the world" prophecy.


  Min's viewing--    MAT: A red eagle, an eye on a balance scale, a dagger with a ruby, a horn, a laughing face


The eye is another reference to him having to sacrifice his eye at some point, in order to achieve total Odin-hood, and to produce some greater good. Compare to the "half the light of the world" prophecy, and Eg's dream of the exact same image.


The finns answer--  To give up half the light of the world to save the world.


In light of other prophecies, "give up half the light of the world" probably refers to sacrificing an eyeball.


I agree it has something to do with the finn's and rescuing Morraine . Maybe a clever bargain driven by Mat?.



Regarding to Rand's beggar dress there is also Perrin's dream

Wolfdream---  Mat vanished, and it was Rand. Perrin thought it was Rand. He wore rags and a rough cloak, and a bandage covered his eyes.


Not fulfilled. Note that this resonates with Min's viewing of a beggar's staff around Rand. The bandaged eyes are reminiscent of the bandaged eyes of the "Fisher" figure in Moridin's sha'rah game.





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