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You've been flung into Randland...


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Why is everyone so worried about clothes! If you've got what it takes, you won't need them anyways!


    Seriously though, I would probably like to be a peddler and just roam the lands. Take up with the Travelling people, visit the great cities, visit the Ogier, Aiel, maybe make it all the way to the Senchean.


P.S. I would be worried about clothes LOL!!!

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Well fuck...I think I'd be pretty damned screwed now wouldn't I?


I'm studying to be a nurse/doctor but that doesn't translate very well to back then so I'd probably either:


Become a warder or see if I can join the aiel


get tested to see if I can channel (male)

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      If I were to drop into Tar Valon. My first deed would be getting some clothing. My next objectives would be to leave Tar Valon, in favor of a city in the south. Illian, Tear, Ebou Dar or so. Once there I would use my knowledge (advanced compared to theres) in the poor quarters of the cities to gain a following. I would continue living out in the slums of the town and rally the disenfranchised and poor around me. Probably in a manner emulating Hitler, holding speeches in alehouses and inn common rooms.


    Once I feel secure enough in my standing and control of the people of the slums, I would send out my most trusted followers into the slums of other great cities to increase my following even more. Eventually depending on the mood of the time or moves against me by apprehensive nobles/authorities I would stage an insurrection in the like of Spartacus.

    I would use past military victories and losses in human history as my template. As well as train the rabble I control to use longbows, as well as use my knowledge in chemistry to have them tip their weapons in acetylcholine inhibiting substances or other more potent substances, etc..


    Just to add some private irony into it. I'd probably proclaim my name to be Arminius Spartacus.





Or I would die trying.

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