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Dedicated Kepen reporting

Kepen alheal

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I want my possittionnn baaackkkk!!! waaaaa lol


So how is everyone since i have been gone for so long!! Which im totally sorry for so i guess i should be punished... isnt that right Chae?  ;) ::)


Is there any way i can get my Dedicated ness back?

How about the black tower is that still standing as the off site ... site? lol


*pulls up a chair with the taint flowing strong as ever*

O how i have missed my coveted madness!!

So sweet the chaos!!


Aye, got a new name mate!


and I can't remember that al before heal in your name neither >.>


And i'm good and naked, as i've ever been!


had a good time then?


O ya!!



I knew youd never loose your nudeness, even if you were recarnatined!!


No the al wasnt there, i had to make a new name as well, since i couldnt access my old one!!!


So does that mean i no am dedicated any more...? :o


Hey, tay havnt seen you in a while, sorry for being gone for so long, have many dissapeared of late? I think we might have to go hunting here soon!!! lol


Ummm... do u want to be called dunbar or demi?

Any who you have a bit of ash on your face... lol


you are still dedicated il update the ranks and add you back on soon


im good mate, busy with work


alot are still about but just not as active, and drop in every now and again, but go looking for em if you wish




But ill still probably still not find them!!!


Ya, this is the busiest time of the year after all!!!

I just hope that they all come back!!!


Okay, i guess i could call you Demi... somtimes!!! lol


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