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New chosen system


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After continuing replacement of players on the Chosen the system has been descided to put aside. It will be a fluent transgression, no player will be removed from their character as long as they do the job needed. However when a player resign from now on they wont be replaced by a new player, but by a group of 2-3 asigned writers.


This will make it easier to keep track on the chosen and maintain a fluid story, less hard to find someone to do the jobb when it needs done, and doable as such without steping on any toes.


For chosen with writers another system will work, if you have an idea for a RP with such a chosen, you send said plan directly to shadowhall@gmail.com


The staff will process the RP and once stamped and aproved, they will asign one of the writers to go in and do the jobb.


For those that for any reason should find it hard to contact a chosen player, they may also send in RP plans, and we will direct it on to said player, discusing how viable it is in their schedule and then either they, or we will be back to you with a reply. Otherwise you may also do as previous and still contact chosen players directly for ploting.


Chosen with players - and their players

Be'lal - James

Moghedien - Taea Dawn

Asmodean - Quibby

Cyndane - Drea Raylin

Sammael - Myth


Chosen with writers group's (aproved writers)

Graendal (ashara, Andrea)

Semirhage (Ata, Eqwina)

V'alduri (Ben_T, Andrea, one more in evaluation)


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Don't we have a whole bunch of chosen on that list that also lack players? I know I would want to write for some of the chosen, just not the ones on the list, and I'm sure others would feel the same way. A lot of it has to do with feel and whether they liked the character in the books, so if we had all or at least more of the chosen it would really open up our options.

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the other chosen is actualy dead..or dying sorry to say


Aginor is being killed by BT

Aran'gar is ment to be killed by wolfkin

Rahivn has been killed by the dragon in andor

and so on goes the list


these are the ones left over

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Aran'gar is ment to be killed by wolfkin


Now this is something I'd like to hear more about Ata.... is this something that happened already (but wasn't rped out) or something that should be happening in the future?



Or you can PM me with info... don't want to steal the thread just because it deals with WK :P

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lol we tried to get it going even after russ left, muireen was asigned as temp player, what it came down to i think is that there wasnt enough interest to host the rp, and it just run out into the sand, so unless wolfkin come back and say they want to pick it up, you may asume it happened

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Aran'gar was arranged because we originally scheduled the Slayer to be killed by the Wolfkin, but after some talk Aran'gar was subbed in instead.  Nothing was really planned or played.  Though Aran'gar may have turned on the Wolfkin because their dealings with the Band dislodged her from her place with them where she was with Drea?  One of the older Banders anyway.


I have a question about this system, because there seems to be something basically counter intuitive with it.  The problem seems to be finding single players for the Chosen, so the new system is designed to deliver multiple writers to each Chosen...  There's a shortage of single players, so the answer is multiple...


I'm a touch confused.

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It seems obvious to me that the goal is to provide a small committed group of writers to share the burden of writing all of the Chosen, rather than have multiple writers for each Chosen. I believe this is evident in the fact that at least one name appears beside more than one Chosen in the writer's pool.


That said, the way Ata set it out does make it seem counter-intuitive since it appears that you are saying specific writers are sharing specific Chosen.


Is my estimation of things correct Ata?

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I've been guilted into editing my post.


I am not sure that is what Ata was saying, Daniel, it looks to me that she was proscribing certain writers to certain Chosen. The sharing of the burden idea is nice . . . but whether or not it will work is something else. To me, personally, the lack of people to play Chosen is more of a symptom than a disease in itself. Maybe the answer lies elsewhere, rather than in the simple allotment of more players. I could be wrong, I am more often than I am right.


Congratulations to anyone who gets to play one!




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Its because yes, where we have steady persons alot around that may fit several places, we may 1 use them several places


and 2. Player A go loa 3 months, we need char 1 in these three months, we reasing to player B, 6 months later player B is on longer loa, player A is back, resign player B? add player A? or C?


or say we got player A B and C on this char, at some times all will be around, some times they wont, we demand they work togheter, so that togheter they can cover the char and they all know it, and to make sure they got it covered, they alert us of any RPs ahead of starting time, thus giving the staff time to question, what about said plotline? what happened to it, do this fit into it, etc, just as a check up where and when nesicary to see that say Graendal the day the weather change by bowl of wind, are not played by one player spending all day in the seanchan, another all day in the wt, and yet another have her invading the aiel...just to give an example of why we are saying report beforehand...ie as simple as avoid hickups


No there is no guarantie this will work, however neither was the old system anymore for the curent staff as to much resources went into geting the chosen covered. So we will try this for a years time or such, if it work we'll keep using it, if it shows to be a total crash failure, we will discuss other options. But so far the persons who have been asigned writers spots been positive to the system, they  understand why it is set up as is, and it seems it has goten off on a good start so far...and then we'll just have to see where it end up taking us.



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