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Unreal Tournament 3, and why the ps3 version rocks!


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  • Community Administrator
My copy of Unreal Tournament 3 came in the mail yesterday, and I have to say that it has been a blast to get back into a classic deathmatch experience; I've always thought that the Unreal Tournament games did it better than everyone else. (I'm sure comments to the contrary are already incoming.)


Gamasutra sat down to speak to Epic Games' VP Mark Rein, and the real story seems to be just how open the game will be on the PlayStation 3.  "This is the full power of the Unreal Editor. The same editor we used to create the games is now available to you," he says. "You want to import your objects you made in 3D Studio Max or Maya? Bring them in! You want to code an UnrealScript? Code an UnrealScript! All those things you can do. If they fit on our map, you can stick them on the PlayStation 3 and they'll run!"


And this content doesn't have to be filtered by either Epic or Sony. You can grab any kind of mod or custom map from any site online, and it will play on the PS3 version of Unreal Tournament 3. "When they embrace user-created content, that's what it means to be an open system. That's why we're on PlayStation 3 first—because they are embracing user-created content. It's not just moving the deck chairs around the boat. They are embracing real art," Rein told Gamasutra. This type of open experience may be more of a challenge with Microsoft. "...we will sit down with Microsoft and have a dialog with them and say, 'Here is what we want to do. How can we do it?' They may or may not embrace it. We don't know. That's why we've made the game for the PlayStation 3 first, because we knew exactly what the boundaries were going to be."


This is a no-brainer for Rein, who makes the analogy that a console maker shouldn't be able to tell you what type of music or movies can be played on the hardware, so why should they tell you what content to add to the games you've bought? This is a much different message than gamers are used to when it comes to downloadable content, but it's a very welcome shift. The PlayStation 3 version of Unreal Tournament 3 is looking better and better.



I've known about UT3 for awhile now. and while I'm ashamed as a PC gamer, to have never played the prior games, (and only briefly played the beta/demo). I knew that they were talking about 'modding' for the ps3 as possible. But I never actually expected it to be true. I mean, I was half expecting another 'oblivion' promise of user created mods on oblivion on the ps3. (Which Bethsada DID say would be possible, but lied out there asses /spit)


Now sure, I could play the pc version and download/make mods that way. But Quite simply, I need a good shooter on the ps3 (not to mention I can use my mouse/keyboard with UT3 on my ps3 ;) As well as need to get more ps3 gaming down on the console!) but also, most of the games I got now, are 1 shot deals... Heavenly sword is good for one play through, 2 at most. Assassins creed is good for 1. (with going back to collect everything else) Resistance fall of man while fun online, gets boring after playing the same maps over and over again. (yes, they have 'map adons' but i'm to cheap to fork over $5 for those! :P)

Now if only they had ps3 & pc users on the same servers! (or do they?! :P)

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One of my all time favourite games is UT2004. I think I'm going to upgrade my computer just so that I can play UT3.


Have you played the demo up on fileplanet? I've heard many UT2004 fans state that they like UT2004 physics better then UT3 even though UT3 looks better...

(Also, one reaosn I'm not getting this for my pc, is it seems to not like to run any of the new games at an acceptable FPS, probably due to the crap that is my notebook. :P )

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So I did what you said (got it off of gamespot, not fileplanet) and tried it out. It seems like it would be a blast, but my computer runs it almost smoothly on the lowest graphic's settings, and I've seen N64 games with better quality graphic's than that. I can't find a spot to upgrade the settings for the game to run on... if I could set it to even medium quality that would be great.


Of the gameplay itself though, I like it. Its exactly what I expected from any Unreal Tournament. With some cool new stuff and cool new looks for weapons.

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  • Community Administrator

So I did what you said (got it off of gamespot, not fileplanet) and tried it out. It seems like it would be a blast, but my computer runs it almost smoothly on the lowest graphic's settings, and I've seen N64 games with better quality graphic's than that. I can't find a spot to upgrade the settings for the game to run on... if I could set it to even medium quality that would be great.


Of the gameplay itself though, I like it. Its exactly what I expected from any Unreal Tournament. With some cool new stuff and cool new looks for weapons.


Now, if only the Ps3 and PC UT3 servers were linked (I don't know if they will or won't be, but if they are, that would be flipping awesome)

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don't console FPS have auto aim though? would be kinda unfair :P damn hacks!


UT3 on the PS3, allows you to use your mouse/keyboard, so I'm guessing that function would be 'auto' disabled...

As for the 'auto-aim' its to compinsate for the shittiness that is 'joystick' when aiming.

Mouse > Stick. :P

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  • Community Administrator

Slightly related, there is only one FPS atm that has PC + console guys on the same server, and it goes by the name of shadowrun or something like that? I really, really hope that since the ps3 allows me to use mouse/keyboard, it'll also let me face some PC users. Just the fact that I can download the same mods PC users can, is really awesome. and both games are using Gamespy server rooms, so who knows... (Somehow I doubt it but it would still be flippin awesome, at least you know the servers wouldn't be dead! :P)


Also, if you didn't already know this. The PS3 lets you use any wireless or wired mouse keyboard you want! (very, very few issues with keyboards/mice.)  oh, and wired means USB not that 'purple' cord that was used back in the dark ages. :P

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