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Dragon Banner


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Does anyone have any COLOR artwork of the Dragon Banner? I saw the pic from RJ/s funeral where he has Dragons on his gates but they weren't colored, just white.



It's blocked from work. I'll check it when I get home. Thanks.



edit: Like I said it doesn't have the detail I was looking for, or at least how I imagined it (my fault really). But thanks, it is appreciated.


Your second link is the exact picture I have in my head, but with different color detail. Unfortunately I suck at artistry so I can't iget it on paper myself.


Unfortunately it wont let me edit it in Microsoft Paint or anything like that, it won't let me change the colours at all. All it is, is the chapter heading for Rand's chapters; can you trace it from the books and then colour it? Or scan the page?


Unfortunately it wont let me edit it in Microsoft Paint or anything like that, it won't let me change the colours at all. All it is, is the chapter heading for Rand's chapters; can you trace it from the books and then colour it? Or scan the page?


I was able to enlarge it in photoshop without getting grainy. Now I need to print it and trace it, then see if I can get some color on it. Or I was thinking of doing a grid to enlarge it. I was always good at those.


I'm not sure if that's a complement or not but i'll take it as one  ;) ;D


Hey trakand_01, that is almost what I had pictured, mad props to you! A little deeper red and a little more gold on the mane and tail. The one thing that was throwing off my idea, was where it said that the dragon was scaled in scarlet in gold.


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