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Ajah RP


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Hello ladies!  Just your friendly rp coord type dropping in.  If you didn't know, our lovely DL has asked that each Ajah have an Ajah wide Rp.  I know you've got a lot of discussion going about the two battling philosophies of the White Ajah and I was curious if you were going to turn this into an Ajah rp, or if this was just some background info being put out there.  If not... um... why?  I likes it :P 


Honestly though, just wanted to pop my head in and see if you needed any rp coord type help with things.  I'm here... just ding a ling ling me if you want me :P

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anyone wanna recruit Sherrhiana for a direction, not sure which i'd go for...so could be fun to try and be influenced...specialy cause she wouldnt like to be bugged, which just makes it more fun. + we got another couple new sisters...so it really could be a general recruitment of them all, less they descided? get some interaction between old and new sisters

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Definitely want your help Crista, I'm struggling at the moment.


We could use the ascension of Mordea to First Reasoner, but I don't think thats going to be a good deal of fun for people as its already predetermined, meeting RP's tend to be boring as the outcomes are predetermined.


Perhaps we would be better off looking at where the White Ajah would focus its energies after the ascension of Annais, what they perceive their role in the Tower to be from that point on, plans and projects they take on as they begin to become active beyond their philosophical and ethical debates and judgements.

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Something I brought up with the greens a while back that hasn't managed to get underway yet might work for you.... it wouldn't be a whole ajah at once type rp.. but something that might allow each member to just introduce their character again and show which side of the argument they lie... it was a day in the life sort of rp.  It starts with one sister who happens to run across another sister then it goes to another and another... 


The idea being that say Aramina is walking along the hallway and it's an rp from her perspective about her own thoughts on the Ajah/theories.  Aramina gets a single post.  It goes to her to say who she is and what she stands for.  Then the rp goes on to the next person.  This way each sister gets a chance to give her thoughts and opinions on the matter at hand without doing a boring political rp. 


Just make a list of who wants to play what characters, make a list of the order and run with it.  And then if someone doesn't post within a given amount of time (say 7 days) then the next person on the list can pick it up.  Each Aes Sedai can notice the person before them as they start out their RP to construct a continual rp.    Just a thought :P

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Sort of like the word challenge RP as it passed from one to the other?  That would definitely work, and it would give us a way to cover the Mordea raising and whatnot without actually having to play it.


I'm thinking, if we set it perhaps a couple of days after Mordea is raised to First Reasoner, that way everyone can use the chance to decide where they stand on how they voted within the White Ajah over the matter and how they feel about the direction of the Ajah (deciding internally to support Annais when the vote came).  I'd just need to write up a point summary on the basics of how the raising of Mordea etc, and we can all use that as a base to wrap our characters around.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, the response is overwhelming :)


I'm not running an Ajah RP, nor will I ask or have anyone else do so, with a week passing and not a single yes or no being given or alternative offered.


Might write a solo thing up over the next few days just to give the White Ajah some publicity.


Also, when rereading I realised I didn't respond to your idea Ata.  I'm up for playing it, but not as an Ajah RP because it focuses too much on an individual character rather than the Ajah as a whole.  Hopefully I'll catch you over the next few days to talk about it.

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Guest Arie Ronshor

It's NaNo and two of your members are 'attempting' it. You have school. Give it til December at least. I'll be up for it then.:)


Beyond that, Anything you want is good. It doesn't 'have to be' Ajah Specific, I'd just like to see an Ajah getting together and RPing together and/or with others.. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Arie Ronshor

I can start. :) And someone can follow?


Call it a "Train of Thought" RP where any that posts posts on the current events, be it solo or shared with another (as long as it's one post) people are welcome to jump in, but at least it's a white starting it :) I need a good starting point for Suu anyways and this would most likely be best. :)



How does this work for everyone? Any one want to go after me?


I'll wait a day or two (hangovers and the like) catch up on the odd RP and then fly at it.. If that is how we favour this. ^_^

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Guest Arie Ronshor

After talking to Arette, she will be 'hopefully' posting the BT announcement as well as the Hall post in a day or two. Once those are up I'll be able to post, I think.. Seeing as this RP rides on this.


Or should I just go ahead?

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