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What Drives your Character(s)?

Guest Arie Ronshor

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Guest Arie Ronshor


While taking a break from NaNo i was talking with the lovely Shan about RP plotting and Ideas and how everything has a "vs" element to thier character that drives them to fight.


For example: My NaNo is about Maegan and more often than not her driving force is herself. A "Self Vs. Self" form of nature. Arie on the other hand is a "Love Vs. Hate" complex.


What sort of complexes do you use in your writing and what defines them as part of your characters? And do you look at these concepts when you plot away behind your computer? If not, what might change if you did?

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Megain, my Novice, endures a lot more than she would normally because she is so desperate to become Aes Sedai (see my sig :D ) - she was a failure at being the future High Seat of her House, so she subconsiously feels a need to prove herself.


She's reliant on people around her for praise etc. She's honest/gullible too, and that makes her vulnerable - though I haven't had a chance to RP that side of things yet :P

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Well, lets see.


Sereth-My BT solder, is motivated by a pursuit of understanding. Mostly in philosophy, but he doesn't exclude any knowledge. Assuming he lives till the clensing, he'd use all 600+ years of his life simply learning. Its what and who he is.


Vincent-My Warder Trainee is motivated by the idea of something to die for, namely Aes Sedai. He wants to sell his life dearly, in the name of an honorable cause. So, he trains night and day to achieve that goal.


Arcon Dadread- My Dreadlord Acolyte was fed the shadow through a pair of perfect lips. Ever since he was a toddler his nanny would tell him of the glories of the shadow, and he fell in love with her, and when she was discovered, he learned he can channel, and so continues fighting for the shadow because of her. That, and a personal sense of superiority. He channels tainted Saidin, and so he is better than the Aes Sedai who can only handle a 'pure' source, and the Asha'mon who will succumb to it. He's vain like that. ^_^;

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I don't very consciously think on these basic conflicts but they are on the background of my writing and for some characters their storylines aim clearly to resolving the conflict for good (especially with Sahra).


Arette: Doing the right thing vs. Giving in to her weaknesses (pride & temper) and doing the wrong thing.


Annais: Being human vs. Acting and living like an Aes Sedai is supposed to


Sahra: Being a willful child vs. Being a truly responsible and respected figure


Mina: Letting her past to control her life as she blinds herself from what she really needs vs. Letting herself to take some leaps of faith and become truly happy.

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