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Care to dance? (attn: Caelen)


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It was Annais' third day in the Black Tower and as the previous days had passed without an incident, she felt a bit more certain of moving about in the grounds. Sereth hadn't been there to guide her in the morning so she had snatched up another young Soldier. The man was as close mouthed as a mussel and the only thing she had gotten out of him was a name, Javis. She had soon given up attempts to communicate with him and accepted the state of silence. Mia was watching their surroundings with the relaxed wariness of an experienced soldier so Annais didn't want to clutter her with chatter. The small party headed toward the Training Grounds in silence as Annais wished to observe the methods and converse with one of the teachers. Sereth had told her some of the basics but one of the tutors could tell her more and she would see if the White Tower could benefit from their methods. Most of her Sisters sneered at wilders and they tended to do weaves in very different way than the Tower taught them. The White Tower had 'perfected' their training system over three thousand years but it also meant that they were quite blind to new ideas which the Black Tower in turn had aplenty.


As she recalled how things worked in the White Tower, a young man in a black coat stepped on their way. He was quite pleasing to the eye with his even features, dark blonde hair and blue eyes. Nice body he had too, athletic and well-muscled. It was strange that Annais found herself comparing him to Brent and actually liking his stockier build better.


"Hey there pretty lady! Do you care to dance?"


The words were so unexpected that Annais' eyes widened in surprise. In fact, she wasn't even certain that the man had meant the call to her but as she looked around, the only women at sight were herself and Mia. A very bold move and she certainly approved people who had balls.


"Hey there yourself, pretty lad. I am light on my foot and always eager to twirl. But I don't hear any music so maybe you were speaking to my companion here." Annais pointed to Mia. "The Aiel call battle the dance of the spears and Mia certainly looks like she is dancing when she flows through her forms. You two would make a good looking pair, I think. But so would you and I. So which one of us do you prefer?"


Annais Nevell

Gray Sister

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"Oh light no.  I would never dance with a woman who knew a weapon.  She'd undoubtedly stick me in seven places before I realized she wasn't teasing me."  Caelen said with a smile.  At least this one seemed to know how to smile.  With the mess of things they were around the Farm, Caelen had been treading lightly when he had to leave his rooms.  Having Aes Sedai among the men was bad enough, but he'd heard the rumors about what was happening and while he hadn't seen anything, he'd also known the trouble that had been brewing.  With a negotiator from the White Tower there, he felt it might be better to put a foot forward then.  Not only was he one of the 'non-mad' variety on the Farm, he also happened to be one of those who hadn't become all tight lipped and solemn. 


He thought it was his best quality.  "Well, hearing music is hardly a deterent to a proper dance, don't you think?  I would imagine as Aes Sedai would have a share of imagination?"  He sighed.  "Though I guess we could wait.  However I will not let you slip out of my grasp so easily.  My dance teacher would be slightly perturbed if she found out I had a chance to test my lessons and let it fall away completely."


He bowed, smiling widely as he did so.  "Dedciated Caelen Sarafayan, at your service Aes Sedai."


Caelen... you have been warned :P

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The sword pin on the collar of the young man's black coat pegged him as a Dedicated and he seemed unperturbed by her suggestion that he sparred with Mia. But then from the sense of humour he had displayed, it wasn't such a surprise. Annais had to adjust her judgement of his age, though as she looked closer. He looked like he was closer to his thirties than twenties which likely meant that he was a learner, not sparker. She certainly arched her eyebrows at his 'innocent' question about her imagination. She had it aplenty and dancing always put her on a good mood. And such assumptions that he could decide whether she would be around him or not. Balls and arrogance, such an irresistible combination.


"It is nice to meet you Caelen. I am Annais Nevell of the Gray Ajah and we can leave titles off for now. But if you stomp too much on my feet, I will reconsider that", she announced with a humorous glint in her eyes. "Would your dance teacher be pleased to find out that you are dancing with an Aes Sedai? Which dances do you know and what dance did you have in mind to do?"


Annais Nevell

Gray Sister

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"Oh, I suppose Jocelyn wouldn't mind me dancing with an Aes Sedai.  Might worry i'm about to get my neck strung for the things that tend to come out of my mouth, but that man of hers just might be a mite happier if it were to happen." He said with a laugh.  "I just know a few danced though, unless you'd care to teach me as well.  I've been told i'm a fast learner."


He leaned in and winked.  "Let the boys have their youth I say.  I'd prefer my experience to it anyday.  Gives me the edge.  specially with the ladies." He frowned for a moment.  "If they'd notice it."  Then looked back at her with a big grin.  "And since I am without female companionship and you seem to be missing a dance partner, I thought it would be best for me to take a chance now.  Besides, who knows when i'm like to meet an Aes Sedai again.  I've never met one before, not even in Far Madding though with the Guardian it's no wonder why.  I don't think i'm like to ever go back there again."



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Jocelyn, Jocelyn, why did the name sound so familiar? Annais hadn't actually met the woman but she had heard of her. She was married to Rion, the Bondholder of Lavinya. And more than just married, Rion had Bonded her and from what she had read between the lines, Jocelyn did not appreciate another female being present in her house and the mind of her husband. But hopefully Lavinya and all the Sisters would be gone from the woman's life soon enough, at least in the conditions they were currently under. "You certainly got me curious now. I would really like to hear what you could say that could make me to give you lesson at gallows dance. Unless that was just exaggeration like males are prone to", she added with a grin.


"I think that you would find ladies too stiff-backed and boring for your taste, matey, but experience certainly is preferable to ardour of youth by those who have it themselves." She soured a bit at the mention of Far Madding and Aes Sedai as there indeed had been Sisters in the city once. All three had died quite gruesomely as their patients had escaped the establishment, all of them Gentled men. A dangerous topic to speak in the Black Tower.


"Why don't we go through a few dances then. Hum or whistle a tune and take the lead." That was the reason why many Sisters didn't like to dance. They didn't want to submit any control even for a moment. But it was their loss.


Annais Nevell

Gray Sister

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Caelen was more than happy to take them into a dance.  "I knew I'd like you right off the bat." Caelen said with a light laugh.  He had a fair too many songs that would be rather inappropriate to sing with a lady nearby, let alone an Aes Sedai, and her had a fair few that were just a bit scandalous.  He chose one of those.  He hummed the song loudly, mostly because he wasn't able to whistle it out just then.  This was one of those days when he couldn't manage to hum, why it came and went on different days he had yet to figure out, but it was an interesting thing to ponder for another time.


In reality, he had no real idea what he was doing.  The dance he knew well enough, something simple that showed he knew some of the basic moved, but nothing fancy since he really didn't want to step on an Aes Sedai's toes.  But for the rest...  he hated what had happened here lately.  He had come to the Black Tower to be something else.  To be able to leave the Guardian and know that he was doing something with his life.  Inside Far Madding, he had always felt smaller somehow.  He figured it was something to do with the One Power, but he didn't like to dwell on it really.  Nor of how long it would all last before he went mad.  If he wasn't already.  He would prefer to go out with a bang though.  Maybe like those Borderland chaps, to take to the Blight and just never return.  Light, he hoped he never got the sleeping cup.  It would be far too boring a death for a man that had led an unremarkable life and was trying to become something more.



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