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You take what you want and pay for it (attn: Sana)


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There were only so many different ways you could braid your hair and Sahra had tried them all already. She had to finally admit that she was just stalling leaving her room and facing Sana. It was cowardly and she despised cowards. Reaching for her crutches, she forced herself to stand and winced at the pain that lanced through her broken right ankle. Even the splint didn't keep the foot entirely steady and she tried to keep most of her weight off that side as she made her way cumbersomely to Sana's door. She half hoped that he was downstairs already as he couldn't make such a scene publicly but her luck failed her today.


Sana opened the door and he didn't look at all pleased to see her. When he picked up the crutches, annoyed came to mind instantly. She forced herself to smile and keep it unfaltered. "I'm really sorry for last night", she said quietly. "I acted really childishly. You look alot more relaxed this morning... I'm glad." She was and she wasn't despite all her good decisions. But it was all so fresh that it was understandable. "I'm also sorry for being stupid and getting hurt as it slows our journey home. At least I learned that ropes made of bedsheets are not reliable."


"Are you going to explode at me?"


Sahra Covenry

Thoughtless Trainee

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There were a great many ways he could respond and none of them made any more sense to him than the one before it.  He took a deep breath as he shook his head walking back to his bed and took a seat on it, leaving the chair which was closer and easier for her to get in and out of, for her to take. 


"Bedsheets, really?"  He asked as he watched her.  Explode?  If he had enough mind to be angry he probably would.  It was in his blood really, the curious ability to walk out of every situation leaving everyone knowing exactly what he thought.    Not the best quality of course, but it was something he didn't try to deny.  Sana was as honest as the morning light, and sometimes as blunt. 


And in the morning light, he knew that whatever else had happened last night, it had been cruel to make Sahra feel less than wanted when they were still trying to deal with everything.  Light, he didn't know what to do and then Karli... he signed.  "well then I suppose our trip has served it's purpose.  You learned that bedsheets aren't reliable.  If you keep it in mind in other areas you might be better off in the long run."


The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them and there was no turning back, no matter how they sounded.  Another good one.  It was hard to make her understand though when she obviously didn't want to.  He'd never made any secrets about sharing his bed with others, though he had always been discrete enough around Sahra to make sure it wasn't  run into her face.  Why?  because he wasn't sure he could behave if he wasn't doing something like that.  The creator knew that woman was more temptation than flesh should be allowed, but it didn't matter in the end.  She'd chosen someone else and he was forced to live with that. 


"I haven't heard word of any Aes Sedai in the city to heal it so I suppose you'll just have to wait until we get to the Tower."  He added then, feeling bad for the misunderstandings that seemed to have come so fiercely between them in the past week.



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Sahra noticed the chivalrous gesture of leaving the chair empty for her, and at some other time she might have scoffed such thing, but she decided to not be foolishly prideful as her arms were still hurting from the trek on crutches the night before. She nodded as she seated herself to acknowledge that the bedsheets had been her falling indeed. Her brows puckered and she grazed Sana with a glare when decided to bring up her and Fior. Not bedsheets but blanket and clothing, she could have said. That and many other nasty retorts popped into her mind. But this time she could be the smart one and managed to hold her tongue.


Quarreling about the matter wouldn't do either of them much good and since she had decided that waiting on Sana would bring just misery to them both, they would better get over it. She accepted the attempt to change topic.


"I will wait. I suppose that my tour to Cairhien will have to wait for some other year." Likely when she was a Tower Guard. It was still at least a year away, a time that seemed like an eternity, Sahra decided with a pout. But there wasn't really anyone else but herself to blame. "If you want to stay for a few more days, then we should do that. Although Karli cannot accompany you." She couldn't entirely keep the slightly satisfied note out of her voice. "She told me that she has some duties, work to do." It was very tempting to ask what it was that the woman did, but she wouldn't. The topic was something that she didn't want to discuss any more than Sana wanted to bring up Fior. "I am sure that you can charm yourself some other company, though", she said sweetly and swore that she wouldn't be leaving her bloody room as she had no desire to witness him doing it again.


"Just let me know when you want to leave. I'm going to go and get some breakfast now." She pushed herself up with some effort and after a moment decided that she didn't really want the conversation to end like that. "I would enjoy having you there with me. Peace?" If he came with her, he might even carry her down. And hopefully not in as embarrassing way as Karli had. Or then she could appear all assertive and make her own way down slowly but surely. It was a dilemma. If he even came.



Trying to mend it

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He hated all of this, and he almost commented after her remarks on Karli, but decided against it.  Karli was a part of his past and not someone he ever expected to be in his future.  She had been fun, and once upon a time, he had been hurt by her though it was his own misunderstanding that had been at the heart of it all.  He had blamed Aran for that for a long time to, but all things became clear if you gave them enough time.  Not that Aran had.  In Aran's usual way, he blindsided Sana with a few too many truths that he hadn't wanted to know and had walked away from it, months later of course, realizing that the whole ordeal that Aran had set up for him had really been for his own good. 


Now, he knew that he'd played Sahra wrong, even if he had felt it better for them both.  He didn't need months to learn from his mistakes, or to see how stupid he was being.  Sahra was a free woman and just because he refused to touch her didn't mean other men would.  He wouldn't look down on her for it, or hate her for it.  He just had a way to not feel jealous about it.  That was the real problem of course, but it was his problem, not hers.  That he had found her as he had... he knew Sahra.  If he hadn't found her, she'd have come to tell him eventually, trying to make it easier on them all.  Light, why couldn't she have told him instead?


He took a deep breath as she asked for peace.  He stood up and looked at her for a second.  "I... I can't promise to be like it was before Sahra, and I can't promise not to be jealous or hurt.  I'll try though.  Your still my trainee and I hope that you'll still be my friend.  Peace is something I would like between us."  He smiled at her then, a small smile, but it touched his eyes. 



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