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Shadow-Souled Mafia


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Okay, here are the rules:


Players will have 48 hours to cast their votes for who they think are the Dragonsworn.  If a vote isn't achieved before then, the game automatically reverts to night.  All rolled people (every possible role other than Darkfriend and Lightfool) will then PM me their night actions.  Game goes until one side or the other wins.


To keep the game going, if somebody does not post within the 48-hour time limit, they will be mod-killed.  Role reveals are allowed if you really want to, but you may not post any quotes from any PMs you receive from the Mod.  There will be no PMing of game-type information between players (except for Dragonsworn).  Since I'm feeling merciful, this will be a coroner-finder game (roles revealed after a lynch or death).


For a list of people playing and a list of possible roles, see the sign-up thread.


It is now DAY ONE.  There are 8 players, 5 votes to lynch, 4 to go to night.  You may begin.

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dad's on LoA...Kendo tourney.


Interaction?  *upends wagon of rotting tomatos over everyone*


In all seriousness (or as close to serious as I get :P) I'm bandwagoning Devon



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