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Just wanted to pop in and see how this is going :P  I know we've got sign ups all over the place... do we have an expected start date?  And is there an outline of what you want to happen with this?  Or are we just winging it to see what happens?


I was thinking it might be fun to come up with a list of obstacles that we can uncover, and that each person involved is given 1 of them and has to react to it.  IE: I was thinking it would be fun to have Zalena stilled (but only if it becomes undone when they get back to the WT :P)  It would be a personal think to overcome while she was involved.  Could be anything from loving/hating someone the character hates/loves in their 'real life' or something more serious.  Just a thought to give each character something to work with.


And ICly how long will they be 'in' the book... and how long will they actually feel like they've been in the book while they are there?



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ACK!  I really should think up ideas before I post them :P  Let's see... random ideas...Zalena gets stilled and has to deal with it. (easy enough since it was what made me think of different people getting Ic assignments :P)


Let's see what I can come up with...

* meet someone you hate in our PSW but you end up liking their counterpart in the other.

* meet someone you love in our PSW but who you hate in the other.

* find yourself holder of a talent in the other PSW or simply gain strength

* find yourself a non-chaneller in the other PSW

* character gets ill/stilled/loses strength

* character who has a physical handicap is now without it

* as a group, develop an 'underground railroad' for women who can channel and find a place of safety

* as a group, meet a group of male Aes Sedai and have a battle royale :P



that's my first round... i'll post more ideas if I can think of them.. anyone else have some thoughts?



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Crista, you rock!  Sadly, we only have your male AS signed up, but I was thinking that we could create another male Aes Sedai to team up with Caelen.  Not go full on bio, but each writer in the thread NPCs him and adds something new to his personality, character or physical appearance as we go.  By the end he's a fully developed character.


Or since it is all fun and doesn't affect our characters here (Arette? *grins*)maybe we could get permission to use someone from the Warders Yard that in this world can channel or has a great amount of power.  Someone we all keep running into. Someone most of us AS know, but not the N/A, but they meet up with him too and find him as obnoxious as we do here. LOL  Okay, so I have Aran in mind. It would be even better if we got James to participate in this thread.


-Nephitess' girl will trigger the book.

-We don't even realize anything is different since we're still in the library....go our separate ways.

-Meet up with our individual challenges.

-Struggle to find others from the WT trapped in this world.

-Meet...how the heck do we get out of here? Trace back to the book Neph opened and we find our way back.


Let's keep the brainstorming going.



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Guest nephitess

Oike...sounds good for the Book activation. Ummmm, we could all just run into each other one by one and become a big blob that sticks together LOL. I think i'll take one of Taea's ideas and have Veria find she can't channel. It will really wig her out.


as for what happens as we are finding each other...we could be hunted by the males....making it hard to get around. we could use the hidden tunnels in the tower to sneak around.

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And something that just popped out to me.. but if there are only Male Sedai... um... there would be no White Tower... unless the White Tower was composed of the male Sedai and if that's the case.. we crazy female chanellers would be in for some trouble....  Soooooo are we still in the White Tower when we get sucked into the book?  Or perhaps the White Tower has become a sort of monument to the Aes Sedai of the past and it is now a place of learning... a great library for anyone to come to....


that would give a reason for some male Sedai to be around, but not in numbers so great that we'd immediately be picked up :P

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In my mind, I suppose I saw the male Aes Sedai traveling to Tar Valon to build the Black Tower after the Breaking with the help of the Ogier, which is why it happens to look just like the current WT.


Maybe that could be one of the things that set us off to the fact that we aren't in Kansas anymore.  It looks very similar, but there are strange differences.  Ajah colors different, tiles on the floor different colors, and so forth.


Of course, maybe it will just be a library as Crista said and its run by the Ogier as lovers of knowledge.


Heh, maybe the rest of the world is in total chaos since to quote Julia Sugarbaker, "...........in general it has been the men who have done the raping and the robbing and the killing and the war-mongering for the last two thousand years.... and it's been the men who have done the pillaging and the beheading and the subjecating of whole races into slavery. It has been the men who have done the law making and the money making and the most of the mischief making! So if the world isn't quite what you had in mind you have only yourselves to thank!!"



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The characters will remember what happened in the ter'angreal so therefore it does affect the character somehow even if it wasn't real :) But of course I could join you guys with another character, maybe a male NPC. I will have to see  if I have the time closer to when you start.


I think that it would be good if there was some way how the male channelers don't snatch up poor you right away. Having the Tower be black intead of White would be nice and a nasty surprise and if the library was open to everyone in the world, it wouldn't be so strange to have weird women around there.

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That would be interesting :P  Or maybe it's the Black Tower.. but in honor of the old Aes Sedai symbol the tower is composed of both white and black marble... therefore the library might be white while other sections are black?  It would make an interesting change in the decor :P  And would there still be Ajahs?  The Black Tower doesn't have them and the idea of them was far different for ancient Sedai.  Perhaps different colored areas just so that newcomers would have an easier time traveling it's halls?  Say... a group looking for a healing forum would be visiting a yellow area, but there would be no yellow ajah per say.

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