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21 Question movie game Round 10


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Q14:  Is it on the following List?


10. Club Life (1986) 4.3/10 (31 votes)

12. Dangerously Close (1986) 4.6/10 (151 votes)

13. Dark Harvest (1986)

14. Dead as a Doorman (1986) 8.0/10 (9 votes)

15. Deadtime Stories (1986) 3.4/10 (268 votes)

16. Dream Lover (1986) 4.7/10 (162 votes)

17. Extremities (1986) 6.0/10 (648 votes)

2. 8 Million Ways to Die (1986) 5.1/10 (961 votes)

20. Getting Even (1986) 4.5/10 (51 votes)

21. Half Moon Street (1986) 5.0/10 (801 votes)

23. Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (1986) 7.2/10 (5447 votes)

25. Hitcher, The (1986) 7.1/10 (9332 votes)

28. Imagemaker, The (1986) 4.5/10 (33 votes)

30. Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI (1986) 4.9/10 (5611 votes)

32. Kidnapped (1986/I) 5.3/10 (47 votes)

33. Las Vegas Serial Killer (1986) 1.6/10 (28 votes)

34. Majorettes, The (1986) 3.6/10 (109 votes)

35. Manhattan Project, The (1986) 5.6/10 (1493 votes)

37. Maximum Overdrive (1986) 4.4/10 (5503 votes)

38. Morning After, The (1986) 5.4/10 (1535 votes)

39. Mosquito Coast, The (1986) 6.4/10 (7189 votes)

40. Mountaintop Motel Massacre (1986) 3.3/10 (184 votes)

41. No Mercy (1986) 5.3/10 (1704 votes)

43. Overkill (1986) 3.1/10 (28 votes)

45. Project (1986)

47. Quicksilver (1986) 5.0/10 (1091 votes)

48. Raw Deal (1986) 4.7/10 (5409 votes)

49. Reform School Girls (1986) 3.7/10 (635 votes)

5. Armed Response (1986) 4.1/10 (135 votes)

50. Return (1986) 4.6/10 (20 votes)

51. Running Scared (1986) 6.1/10 (2700 votes)

53. Shadows on the Wall (1986) 4.5/10 (7 votes)

54. Sorority House Massacre (1986) 2.8/10 (503 votes)

55. Tell-Tale Heart, The (1986)

56. Terminal Entry (1986) 3.2/10 (33 votes)

57. Terror at Tenkiller (1986) 3.8/10 (55 votes)

59. Thunder Run (1986) 4.6/10 (65 votes)

60. Trespasses (1986) 3.3/10 (13 votes)

61. Twisted (1986) 4.3/10 (88 votes)

62. Where Are the Children? (1986) 4.9/10 (88 votes)

64. Witchfire (1986) 2.0/10 (25 votes)

65. Wraith, The (1986) 4.9/10 (2538 votes)

66. Zero Boys, The (1986) 2.5/10 (336 votes)

7. Blue Velvet (1986) 7.8/10 (33513 votes)

8. Born American (1986) 4.5/10 (543 votes)


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New List:


10. Club Life (1986) 4.3/10 (31 votes)

15. Deadtime Stories (1986) 3.4/10 (268 votes)

20. Getting Even (1986) 4.5/10 (51 votes)

28. Imagemaker, The (1986) 4.5/10 (33 votes)

33. Las Vegas Serial Killer (1986) 1.6/10 (28 votes)

34. Majorettes, The (1986) 3.6/10 (109 votes)

37. Maximum Overdrive (1986) 4.4/10 (5503 votes)

40. Mountaintop Motel Massacre (1986) 3.3/10 (184 votes)

43. Overkill (1986) 3.1/10 (28 votes)

49. Reform School Girls (1986) 3.7/10 (635 votes)

5. Armed Response (1986) 4.1/10 (135 votes)

53. Shadows on the Wall (1986) 4.5/10 (7 votes)

54. Sorority House Massacre (1986) 2.8/10 (503 votes)

56. Terminal Entry (1986) 3.2/10 (33 votes)

57. Terror at Tenkiller (1986) 3.8/10 (55 votes)

60. Trespasses (1986) 3.3/10 (13 votes)

61. Twisted (1986) 4.3/10 (88 votes)

64. Witchfire (1986) 2.0/10 (25 votes)

66. Zero Boys, The (1986) 2.5/10 (336 votes)

8. Born American (1986) 4.5/10 (543 votes)



Q16:  Is the IMDB rating greater than 4.0?


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Q7: Is the movie Longer then 90 minutes? YES


I am assuming movies 90 minutes are excluded by the phrasing of the question...



New List:


10. Club Life (1986) 4.3/10 (31 votes)

15. Deadtime Stories (1986) 3.4/10 (268 votes)

28. Imagemaker, The (1986) 4.5/10 (33 votes)

34. Majorettes, The (1986) 3.6/10 (109 votes)

37. Maximum Overdrive (1986) 4.4/10 (5503 votes)

40. Mountaintop Motel Massacre (1986) 3.3/10 (184 votes)

49. Reform School Girls (1986) 3.7/10 (635 votes)

53. Shadows on the Wall (1986) 4.5/10 (7 votes)

56. Terminal Entry (1986) 3.2/10 (33 votes)

8. Born American (1986) 4.5/10 (543 votes)



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Ok, I lied, I answered question 15 incorrectly.  I looked at the list you posted and missfired.


So Q15: Is the IMDB rating greater than or equal to 4.6? YES


Thank Haxorist for catching my mistake, and my sincere apologies to those who did extra work that is now nullified by my error.





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New List... taking out movies 90 min or less runtime and any stray comedies...


12. Dangerously Close (1986) 4.6/10 (151 votes)

16. Dream Lover (1986) 4.7/10 (162 votes)

2. 8 Million Ways to Die (1986) 5.1/10 (961 votes)

25. Hitcher, The (1986) 7.1/10 (9332 votes)

32. Kidnapped (1986/I) 5.3/10 (47 votes)

38. Morning After, The (1986) 5.4/10 (1535 votes)

39. Mosquito Coast, The (1986) 6.4/10 (7189 votes)

41. No Mercy (1986) 5.3/10 (1704 votes)

47. Quicksilver (1986) 5.0/10 (1091 votes)

48. Raw Deal (1986) 4.7/10 (5409 votes)

62. Where Are the Children? (1986) 4.9/10 (88 votes)

65. Wraith, The (1986) 4.9/10 (2538 votes)

7. Blue Velvet (1986) 7.8/10 (33513 votes)


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That gives us the following:


25. Hitcher, The (1986) 7.1/10 (9332 votes)

39. Mosquito Coast, The (1986) 6.4/10 (7189 votes)

48. Raw Deal (1986) 4.7/10 (5409 votes)

65. Wraith, The (1986) 4.9/10 (2538 votes)

7. Blue Velvet (1986) 7.8/10 (33513 votes)



3 of 5 contain the word "The."


3 of 5 were rated higher than 5.0.

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  • Community Administrator

Wow, people are getting pretty good at coming up with creative ways to narrow it down.


Any ideas how we could make this game more challenging? How about a "21 Question Actor/Actress" game?


Hmm, that could be an intresting idea, if only I didn't suck at actors names. :P

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