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[MOVIE] Across the Universe


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Plz god tell me some of you have seen this movie because i saw it with my girlfriend last night and its perhaps one of the best done musicals i've seen in awhile (note: if you like beetles music)


The plot focuses around 6 friends during the beginning of Vietnam

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its not being showed everywhere, it came out early September in San Francisco for me. And it just got released at a theater near me about 2 weeks ago but it only has like 3 playing times.


it also wasn't ever the most advertised movie so I don't think many people knew of it

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Finally saw it last night.  It was...  interesting to say the least.


If you want to see it, you should.  Some of the songs seemed forced and some seemed left out.  It definitely jumps back and forth between cheesey emo sad songs and full out blow your mind acid trip more than once.


There were a few surprise cameo's that I enjoyed as well.  The first half hour or so is a little tough to sit through IMO.  My buddy and I went and there were only two other people in the theater, and they left just before the scene at the draft board.


The plot is kinda loose at times and seems to be force fit around the songs rather than the songs fitting the plot like in a made from scratch musical, but if you like the music, and you don't take the plot too seriously, you'll probably like this film.

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There definitely were some scenes that were sensory overload, 'I am the Walrus' and 'For the Benefit of Mr. Kite' blew me away visually. Those were the scenes I was laughing with the film. But some of the choreography was cheesy (you'll know the two or three scenes I'm talking about when you see it.) Those were the scenes I was laughing at the film.


Each number was hit or miss. It's almost like certain parts were directed/choreographed by different teams.  There was probably a double album worth of songs performed, so IMO, you'll definitely enjoy some of them.

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