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Demolision of Emond's Field


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Does anyone know why the Winespring Inn was not destroyed during Winternight? There's about two pages RJ stresses upon that but only by letting Rand and Egwene's father wondering why.


If I had to destroy all places where guys of about 20 years old live, the inn would be first in my list.

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maybe there just weren't any males of that age living there? There is no mentioning of a brother to Egwene al'Vere at all, no matter the age, if I remember things correctly.

It is very obvious that the myrdraal leading the attack knew exactly where the boys who possibly were the Dragon Reborn lived.


Moric of the Singing Wind sept of the Miagoma aiel

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There were only 3 houses attacked. Rand's, Perrin's, and Mat's. It mentions in there that all of the other attacks were to make it look more random (Been a while but it's either Lan, Morraine, or Taim that mention it), or were in the way. Later in the book it explains why, Fain had pointed out the 3 boys, so the Myrdraal knew exactly where to attack. They didn't have to destroy every place where boys around 20 were just the 3 that were marked out.

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Hunh... I must be remembering tEotW poorly... I thought they torched other places where boys of Rand al'Thor's age lived... But maybe the myrdraal's inspection (more than just the Car'a'carn, Matrim Cauthon and Perrin Aybara saw "the Black Rider") gave the conclussion that they were just ordinary peasants and all other houses just caught fire from the forge and the house of Matrim Cauthon's family. I'm unsure... Need to reread... ;)


Moric of the Singing Wind sept of the Miagoma aiel

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