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What could be the best possible ending? good or bad?


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just wondering wat people think could be the best possible ending in there view?? wat happens to there favourite characters and do they hope the ending is happy or sad............


A mix I think would be best. Rand dying as he saves the world from the DO, Mat and Tuon either going back to Seanchan to rule, or setting up their kingdom in Randland to rule, Perrin and Faile ruling Manetheren and Saldea, Berelian and Galad ruling Mayene, Elayne ruling Andor with Rand's kids, Aviendha should become one of the head Wise Women and help the remaining Aeil on this side of the Spine of the World find a home while also being a key figure in relations with Elayne and other rulers, I don't know what should happen with Min but she should probably get some kids by Rand after all that time with him  :P, and I personally feel Lan should die and Nynaeve return to the Two Rivers, Moiraine should probably have some totally awesome real death in the Last Battle or she should become a MAIN figure of the White Tower, Egwene should become the best Amrylin Seat ever bringing in more women and strengthing the Tower for the Age to come, Logain should become the leader of the Black Tower, while Mazrim should die a horrible and awesome death, most if not all of the forsaken should be killed, any survivors resealed in the bore, and Padan Fain and Slayer should take each other down. *nods*


do u really  think rand should die??  i think the death of lan would definitly push nynaeve over the edge......  i hope rand regains himself a bit and becomes more human..........


yeah I think Rand should die. He's the "savior of mankind" so to speak, and any good savior has to make some kind of sacrifice, usually the "ultimate" sacrifice. A lot of people have said that it's really a diversion, and he's been planning to die, but in the end won't. Luckers has his "body swap" theory, and there's the fact that one of his questions to the Finns was who does he survive the Last Battle. But if I was putting the ending together I feel he should have to scrafice himself to save the world. It's his blood on the rocks that saves mankind. He echoes in some ways Jesus, and in that imagery he HAS to die. One of the last lines of the 12th book will be the line about how "He was the wind, and like the wind touched everything, and like the wind was gone." Now whether that means his death is at the Last Battle or years later, we don't yet know. It just feels right for me to have him die. But that's just me, and I'll love whatever RJ gives us.


As for Lan, we've gone the whole series talking about how he's the last of the Maliker kings, how his real bride is death. His character at the beginning of the series was this very dark character who was only alive due to his bond to Moriaine. Now obviously he's changed. He's fallen in love with Nynaeve, he has a reason to want to live now. Yet he still echoes death. With the impending return of Moiraine I feel that his character is coming to some kind of end. There's a resolution to his character coming, and I think it would be fitting to have him meet with all of his forefathers in the hereafter and have the line of Maliker finally come to an end. I mean I don't know, I just feel his death and her return to the Two Rivers would be a complete journey for the two of them since the beginning of the series.


<<spoilers>>  i too think that lan is going to die, i ust hope that nyneve has his kid. i mean what good would it do for hi,m to die without saving his lands.  i see malkiri comming back after the last battle. there are more makiri left then we know about as is showen by nyneve going around gathering an army to go with lan to tarwins gap.  i think that if there are makiri men around then there has to be makiri wemon as well wich means makiri kids, they ust dont have a land but when the blight goes away then they will be able to reclaim thier lands.


what i would like to know is if any nym are going to come back, or was the green man the last ever of them.  i have heard discused somwhat whether there are some in seanchen, but i dont know if there are any there.  i ust think they are cool. 


rand will probly die.  i wouldent mind matt dying.  i like him but hes not my favorite.  i hope perrin dosent die, but that something relly bad, other then death, happens to flail.  oh and by they way i hope elayn leads all of andor to the last batttle and gets blasted with bailfire or somthing so we dont have to remember her.


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