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BSG Season 4 to be split in half?


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Thought that the Sci-Fi Channel had messed around with BSG so much they couldn't do anything else to irritate fans? Wrong!


According to this article (some really good stuff in there elsewhere on Season 4 and the TV movie, but beware spoilers) there is a 'possibility' that Season 4 may be split in half. This chimes with earlier reports from castmembers (dismissed as 'jokes' by the producers) that the first ten episodes will air in 2008 and the second ten in 2009  :?


This also accords with reports that the previously-mooted January 2008 start date for Season 4 is now likely to be pushed back to at least March, possibly further if the split takes place.


Okay, this is the final season, we don't need it stretched across two years. It's time to give us the payoff we've been waiting for. If the SFC does this I think a lot of fans will be really annoyed with them.

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