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Hi! My name is Owen ......


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As an engineer, I am always a little wary of telling people that I role play.....especially over the net.  Mostly because people in the engineering trade..........at least superficially.......see themselves as a very "macho" bunch.


Are you in a similar position?  Do you sort of skirt around the issue of what you do in your spare time when talking with certain relatives or friends, because you might be perceived as sort of 'odd'?


If so post here as you are amongst friends ;)



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Guest Arie Ronshor

*raises her hand* I get funny looks all the time... For mentioning that I roleplay. (clarifying) I don't fit the gamer profile of being large, nerdy.. etc... (My sister did a decent job making me feminine.)


Although, i'm not an engineer whenever I ask what I do in my spar time its,


"I write" 

"Oh, like stories or something?"

"Well, i wrtie some stories, but mostly I roleplay."

"Oh like D&D?" - It's impressive if they get this far, but i still roll my eyes to this... -

"No, I online Game."

"You Game?"  ...


ETC.. and further go into forums and royally confuse them. I swear the only reason I both is for the look of utter confusion. It makes my day when I can confuse someone.. :P

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Guest nephitess

LOL...my roomate looks at me like i'm crazy all the time! Just being on the boards...I laugh sometimes and she asks what i'm laughing at..i try to explain but she gets this glazedlook to her eyes and i just laugh more. :D

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Most of my mates are as geeky as me and roleplay themselves too :) Most other people who I know didn't have a clue what RPing is until I explained them but reactions have been always positive. Roleplaying doesn't have that many bad connotations in Finland I guess.

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Most of my friends are gaming nerds, as well as the people I work with.  So that's nice. :)  But my family on the other hand, that's another story. You talk about gameing or role-playing, and they look at you like you've sprouted horns and a tail and are carrying a pitch-fork.

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I think I've mentioned roleplaying to two of my friends in passing :P


Like Andrea, I'm really not a stereotypical nerd.  But ya, I keep quiet about it around my friends 'cuz well... we're the sort of people who'll rip on each other about just about anything and everything.  For example, I have one friend who's like 2nd or 3rd in the world on Neopets :p  It's a year since we found out and we're STILL all ripping on him.


But even around my closest friends who aren't like that I don't mention it.  I dunno, it's something for me.  This is where I put a lot of the stuff I don't say out loud and stuff.

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Interesting replies guys, but do you really think of yourselves as nerds?


That is not really a word i would use to describe myself mainly cause it has too many negative connotations  to it.


Oh and one other thing. According to the people i work with all of you are merely figments if my imagination. They so do not believe that any of the people i tell them about are real. According to them you are all just....well not real. Guess that must be the age thing as they are all older than me and do not use the internet, and certainly do not use IM's.



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*goggles* What? It is possible to be older than you, Owen? Sheesh :P


But that is pretty hilarious. Figments of imagination indeed.


And yes, I guess that I am a nerd. I like to read and study and I do geeky things like roleplay, play board games and such. But again things might be different as here being a nerd isn't that bad thing. Or well, it didn't make you hugely popular in junior high school but in high school it was just normal *grins*

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*goggles* What? It is possible to be older than you, Owen? Sheesh Tongue


Even ppl who are younger than me are older than me

, i am an anachronism, out of step in both time and space 8)


Even in High School role playing was considered anything but "normal" and it was certainly not a way to gain popularity. It wasn't till Uni that there were a good bunch of rpers, and by that i mean AD&D, not rp as we know it and then we were regarded as the spawn of be'elzebub.....staying up all night playing our silly games, smoking stuff we should not have, drinking and basically listening to the devils music.......hmmm nothings changed then ;D




Not as old as Arette would have you believe :P

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Guest nephitess

NAh...I'm not nerd. though people would have you think I am if i told them about RPing on here. My friend Joy, a huge RO fan...invited me to a LARP group. I'm not sure if i want to go...i'm more of a text RPer than a LIve RPer. BUt i may go just to check it out! :D

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  Well like Owen, I am an Engineer. And Evil one at that. By a degree I am an Engineer, Bachelor of Computer Science, soon to be a Master of the same but that is out of the topic.


  I've been roleplaying for quite a while, first it was computer games of the RPG genre, then game Dusk over Endival, then DM, then D&D ( which I absolutely love and with a fellow Evil Engineer are deleoping an online version of it since our group can not gather as much as we used to ), and then came paintball and LARP. So as you see - I RP quite a lot, and I do not keep it a secret. I do not know if I will be invited to an LARP anytime soon, last time I took my Shinai ( I also train Kendo ) and several people left the LARP very very unhappy ...

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After our monthly Vampire LARP Chronicle ended a few years ago I haven't sadly been LARPing pretty much at all. This summer I joined on a whim a Harry Potter LARP as a friend was one of the organizers. It was alot of fun so I might be picking up the hobby again :)

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