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Dirty Chores to Practive (Open)


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It had been nearly a week since Isha had broken his block but Jeffery Kincaid was not happy with his attempts.  He wasn't trying to channel, but he was having difficulty remaining in the new form of the void.  It was hard to do and even the beginning exercises were difficult and he tried to do everything in the void like his mother had taught him.


Jeffery Kincaid sought out the worst of the chores to do, anything to make his life more uncomfortable, or something to anger him in the end.  He wasnted to strengthen his will to hold the void with anger still present.  It was difficult to unlearn something you've spent nearly 14 years mastering.  It wouldn't be something he could learn over night.


Jeffery Kincaid set to mucking out the stables of the Tower and hoped that he could stand the smell.  He had hated the smell of the stables for as long as he could remember, maybe it was the stories his mother had told him of her times as a servant working the armory, stables and the yards before becoming a student of the White Tower.  Now he was acting like one to make his life miserable.


He hoped that his dedication to the muck would prevail, but as Jeffery Kincaid picked up his shovel, he slipped and fell on his back side in another pile of manure.  He lost the void in his fustration and started again.  This was going to be a long day.


OOC:  Dedicated, Civilians, Asha'man got something nasty to give him, a soldier have a chore they don't want to do, Jeffery Kincaid will gladly help out.  Give him the nastiest jobs you can think of to test his will!



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OOC: At your service Mat! :)



Jocelyn generally didn't mind doing the menial chores around her and Rion's house; it prevented her from being idle and realising just how little she belonged without Rion around. But there was one chore she had been dodging all morning, and while Rion would normally deal with it using Saidin, he wasn't around, and the smell was getting more than she wanted to bear.


Looking out the window to the small outhouse, Jocelyn contemplated leaving the house for the day, but she really wanted to read and do some sewing, and besides, it was getting too hot for her liking to be out in the sun. She certainly wasn't going to deal with the muck herself, but there had to be a way!


A man in a black coat walked past her house, giving Jocelyn an idea. Would it work? Some of the newer soldiers tended to be gullible...would they listen to her if she told them to do something? She was just a civilian, but she was practically married to a full ranking asha'man. It was worth a shot.


Slipping out of the house, Jocelyn went looking for a soldier; one of the men with no pins on their plain black coats. She'd learnt enough in her time at the farm to know they were the lowest ranking channelers. Most of the men she encountered as she walked were busy with training or other jobs. It wasn't until she slipped into the stables that she found a man frowning and appearing to doing nothing much.


Summoning her courage, Jocelyn adopted her most snobby demeanour. "You there, soldier! I have a chore for you!" Waiting for him to return, she hoped he wouldn't call her bluff and somehow get her into trouble for this.



Jocelyn Mahrin

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Jeffery Kincaid looked up from the muck he was trying to shovel but the void had slipped and he was trying to maintain it before going back to work. The woman claimed to have a chore for him, he'd only been here a short time and wondered if this was normal, but it didn't really matter.  He was trying to master his skill and a chore was a chore.  Though he lost the void as his anger at being ordered around so easily.  He sighed and grasped the void again.


"Yes, ma'am.  What can I do to help you?" There was no point being rude to her, Jeffery Kincaid thought he must be wearing a sign that said kick me or something, but then he'd seen the same look from the Aes Sedai in the White Tower when he worked there as Reikan's page in the yards.  He was use to it by now, and politeness always seemed to work best, even if you didn't want to.



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  • 2 weeks later...

It worked! Jocelyn hid her surprise, because that would ruin the whole plan, and led the man out of the stables towards the small house she and Rion shared. Maintaining her regal poise, Jocelyn walked straight towards the neglected outhouse, the stench greeting them before they reached the door.


"It's not the most pleasant of chores, but at least you have the added benefit of doing whatever you men do with the Power to aid you." Jocelyn wrinkled her nose and waved towards the door. "What was your name soldier?" Jeffery answered obediently, and Jocelyn nodded. "Well Jeffrey, I know I will be thankful to you for completing the work, as will my...bondmate, Rion."


Slowly she backed from the smell, fishing a handkerchief from her bodice and pressing it delicately against her nose. "That will be all for now, you can let me know when you're done." Jocelyn took a few more steps away, before realising she hadn't even given the soldier her name. She whirled on her heel to face a rather cranky looking Jeffrey. "Oh, my name is Jocelyn." Nodding once more, she retreated a suitable distance from the smell into her house.



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Jeffery Kincaid turned when she spoke again offering her name.  "It's a pleasure ma'am."  Even though the task at hand was not.  He grabbed the void pushing all but his anger out.  He balled up the anger and kept it tightly away from the fire but didn't push so hard he touched the source, he knew making the ball tighter would do that, this wasn't about channeling it was about learning to mainatain the modified void so he could channel at ease with out the mental taxation it took him now.  It was getting easier to do now, but he still lost it when he got angry.  He needed to work on that, this job would surely get him angry particularly since he was going to do it by hand. 


Another soldier walked by snickering at him but he didn't pay him any mind as he grabbed a shovel and started the nasty job.  An Asha'man walked by and asked him why he wasn't channeling and when Jeffery Kincaid told him the answer he sckoffed and walked away with a flick of his hand he sent the refuse into Jeffery Kincaid's face.  His anger built and the void dropped.  He had to learn to control his anger.  It was something he'd never had to master before with the void, but now he was seeing how hot tempered he really was.


He needed to work his techniques for anger management.  That hadn't been part of his training, with it inside the void it could fill his whole body and that was a disaster waiting to happen.  He tried counting to 10 before doing anything but all that did was make him lose the void, thinking of too many things. 


Cold water trickled down his body as he throught about it.  He had found a well and was cleaning off in the cold water it produced.  Maybe that mental image would work for cooling his temper.  One could only hope.


He was nearly done with the dirty job before the same Asha'man came back and emptied his bucked of refuse all over the ground in the middle of the woman's garden.  Jeffery Kincaid pictured a watefall of cool fresh water running over the ball of anger in his mind.  It coold and he held the void.  His own surprise at the attempt made him lose it, but that he knew how to control.  He was finally getting the hang of it.


Jeffery Kincaid started to dredge the flower garden of the refuse.  He knew he'd never get it all up now.  He only hoped that his green thumb from home would allow these plants to grow bigger with the help of it.  When it was as good as it was going to get Jeffery Kincaid went in search of some good soil to cover the stench up with and provide a better bed for the woman's flowers. 


He started working on the flower bed hoping she'd not return.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Jeffery Kinciad finished his weeding of the garden and the woman who had given him the nasty chore of cleaning the refuse out had not returned.  He was glad that he'd covered the stench of the pile that had fallen on the garden and hoped that his green thumb would make her flowers stronger and more beautiful. He wouldn't tell her.  He would just watch with joy. 


He was glad his mother had taught him how to garden.  It was a strange thought that his mother, a strong and rather emotionless warrior knew anything about the flowers and plants of the world.  But she knew much more than how to tend them, she could kill with them or heal with them if she chose to.  That was her purpose to the flowers, and she had taught him everything she had learned from her caretaker.  He was glad to have given the garden a good headstart.  He was learning how to control the void better now, and he set off to find another task that he could do to keep practicing.  He knew how to practice and he would keep doing it till he felt he was ready to move on.



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