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BT published: Hornsounder August + Call for article for September


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Hello all,


I'm so sorry for being late with this, I was certain I had done my rounds before. Old age and most definately the wind are to blame. *nods solomnly*


But it's up and running like a train again! The August Edition of the Hornsounder is published and can be consulted by clicking here


You are warmly invited to participate on any of the Competitions running, be it the Scavenger Hunt, the Word Scramble Game, the Great Hunt or the Sudoku Challenge.



As is custom, this is also a call for next Edition's Article for your DG. All DM groups are warmly invited to submit an article to the Hornsounder to be published, as many have done over the last months and some hardcore writers have taken full opportunity to put their beloved Group in the spotlights. Reporting on their latest activities and events, informing us all what their group is all about and already lifting a few inches of the veils from future planned events. I hope next edition the Hornsounder can add your group to this fantastic group of writers too.


Deadline for submitting your article: 25th September 2007

How to submit: send one final version of the article for your entire group to Mystica in a pm.



- everyone gets creditted who has delivered a piece to their Hornsounder article.

- An article can consist of several topics, written by several of your members, but should all be submitted as one pm. You can use paragraphs, subtitles, etc, to distinguish each part of the article.

- pictures and graphics are allowed in your articles, as are links and references

- your Leaders may be inclined to award you raising points for submitting something on behalf of your group, talk to them about it. the Hornsounder team has no say in that, it's entirely up to your leaders.



I wish you all great reading and playing fun and hope to see those articles and Competition submissions coming in soon.




  • 2 weeks later...

*keeps Tayol and Demi in secret hiding place*



ATTENTION!! Deadline for article is upon you. Get it sent to me please asap.


Thank you *bows*



*dives into secret hiding place to do all sorts of things to her two captives*


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