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[Approved RP] Watchers Drama

Guest Arie Ronshor

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Guest Arie Ronshor

I got this from Estel  since we don't have a copy of it anywhere.  Good to have on hand for anything that comes up after the fact :P



Watchers Roleplay – Follow on storyline




Linten (BT Asha’man) - Bonded to Faile, Mentee of Isha, Rival of Rion

Faile (WT Red) -Bonded to Linten, Sister of Ged

Lavinya (WT Gray) - Bonded to Rion, Rival of Estel

Ged (BT Asha’man) - Bonded to Estel, Brother of Faile

Isha (BT Attack Leader) - Bonded to Eqwina, Mentor of Linten, Grandson of Estel

Eqwina (WT Yellow) - Bonded to Isha

Estel (WT Blue) - Bonded to Ged, Grandmother of Isha, Rival of Lavinya

Rion (BT Asha’man) - Bonded to Lavinya, Rival of Linten

Jocelyn (BT Civilian) - Bonded to Rion, Married to Rion

Orion (WY Warder) – Bonded to Estel

Sirayn (WT Amyrlin)


Not relevant for the RP, but will be conceived by Faile: Ares “Maevere” Nymeron (secret child of Faile and Ged, abandoned and turned Dreadlord, SG – character has been approved by SG)


1)  Faile and Ged, brother and sister, begin an incestuous relationship.  Estel, Bonded to Ged, is stuck with this happening in her head and finds it revolting but is taken into the two’s confidence


2) Linten uses Faile as bait to get to his old rival Ged as well as to satisfy his hate against all Aes Sedai. He uses his Talent of Dreamwalking to enter and torture them in their dreams, but keeps Ged as his primary target. He enters Ged’s dreams and sees part of what is going to happen to Isha, yet persists in his twisted hatred and torments them, planning to drive Ged to kill himself and cause Faile as much pain as possible. Estel tries to help with Healing, Estel pities the pair but still finds their relationship disturbing.  Isha is oblivious to his mentee’s actions while he befriends his tiny Bondmate. 


3) Lavinya’s outline happens in between:


Lavinya’s storyline


Lavinya is forcibly bonded by Rion as part of watchers. Part of the bond included compulsion, and Lavinya will be ordered to obey Rion and Jocelyn (his wife), ordered not to channel, and commanded to not stray far on her own. Lavinya is pregnant at the time, but is not aware of it.


Jocelyn will resent Lavinya sharing the intimate bond with her husband, and will set her to menial chores, including sending her to physically chop firewood every day in the nearby woods.


Linten hates all Aes Sedai. Rion also happens to be an enemy of his, due to a much earlier run-in. He sees him as weak, and knows that Rion won’t keep his leashed Aes Sedai in hand as he should. After Lavinya shows disrespect and loathing to Linten, he devises a plan to use Lavinya and their bond to get at Rion, transferring pain and fear through the bond.


After scouting somewhat, Linten soon learns that Lavinya’s routine involves gathering firewood each day. He takes advantage of the strictures on Lavinya, ensnaring her and proceeding to rape, torture and abuse her, though is careful to leave as little physical marring as possible. Unable to channel and suffering from an early onset of morning sickness, Lavinya is helpless to defend herself. Linten orders her to remain silent about the abuse, sending her back to Rion. Lavinya obeys.


Upon returning to the house, Rion, having felt the pain and anguish, questions Lavinya. As she is unable to lie, she refuses to answer for fear of harsher treatment from Linten, though she begs to be relieved of the firewood duty. Jocelyn in her jealousy refuses. Rion continues to question, though soon gives up, realizing Lavinya will not tell.


Forced to keep working in the woods each day, Lavinya is set upon by Linten numerous times. As her pregnancy becomes evident, he uses the threat of harming the child to cow her, rendering her even more helpless. Slowly, Lavinya is dying inside, retreating to shield herself. Even still, she makes a vow to never be so helpless again, swearing revenge.


The abuse will continue sporadically while Lavinya is held at the Black Tower. While not necessarily daily, it will be a somewhat frequent occurrence, even as Lavinya’s pregnancy progresses. It will not end until Lavinya is very heavily pregnant and unable to do the same menial chores anymore. Incidentally this will only end up coming very close to when the AS are freed and allowed back to the tower anyway.


After a particularly bad episode with Linten, Lavinya will finally admit to the abuse to Rion, though will still refuse to tell him who the perpetrator is.  They come to a wary truce, and Rion in his curiosity proceeds to study Lavinya (having a strong fascination with Aes Sedai), and Lavinya will use the opportunity to learn all she can as to the inner workings of the Black Tower to report to Sirayn Sedai.


4) Linten plans to Still Faile (maybe when he catches her and Ged together?), Ged recognizes the weaves, Faile mistakes as Shielding and throws himself at her, saving her but being Gentled himself. Mad with grief and rage, he tries to kill Linten, but Isha is alerted and catches him  before he can do much against Linten. Isha furious about the attempt on his mentee’s and “son’s” life, wants to kill Ged and beats him half to death, not reacting to Faile’s pleas and attempts to explain.


5) Simultaneous with that whole mess, the Bond between Ged and Estel snaps.  Estel immediately collapses from the shock.  Eqwina (after having Healed Ged’s bleeding stump) is ordered by Isha to take care of Estel.


6) In an insane rage, Isha cuts off Ged’s hand.  After cutting off the hand, Faile finally gets through to Isha just as he wants to set the killing stroke and tells him about Ged being Gentled by Linten (in his mad rage, Isha hasn’t even noticed that) and begs for his life (as she thinks he’s doomed now anyway, she also might (if she can channel at that point) use a shred of her Milking Tears Talent to get through to Isha) Disgusted with himself, Isha approached Linten and throws the severed hand in his face.  Isha disowns the son he never had.


7) Estel regains consciousness with a one-track mind: get back to White Tower to a) make sure Orion isn’t dead b) do her final duty as an Aes Sedai and report this to the Ammy c) prove to Sira and the Order she could have made a good Aes Sedai  d) release Orion’s Bond and kill herself.  Estel manages to escape (with Eq’s help) and Travels to Tar Valon area where she promptly collapses from the strain of Travelling.  Orion finds her, bring her to Ammy.  Stel related story when she regains consciousness and to keep her alive Sira charges her with the task of destroying the Black Tower (which, luckily for her, she will never complete as that would permit herself to commit suicide).  PS.  Estel now hates all male channellers and wants them culled (WT parallel of Linten :P)


8) Faile tries to help Ged against all odds. He somehow clings to life and doesn’t go completely insane and stays on the Farm because of his Dreaming Talent (which isn’t OP related so he can still be useful). Faile confides in him that she’s his sister, yet the relationship has gone on too long already and finally Ares is conceived. The pregnancy and their mutual affection still keeps the relationship going, they push away the facts and the feeling of doing something wrong. 


9) Watchers ends.  Bonds are annulled and Aes Sedai return home for the most part far more screwed up than they came. Ares is born and Ged and Faile still are in contact even though they can’t see each other. Ged doesn’t fear anything anymore, but Faile keeps him out of the Tower as she doesn’t want him to be discovered and Linten to have his final triumph by Ged being killed. She also doesn’t want to further ruin her reputation as a Red.  Eqwina, her Bond with Isha having been annulled, feels empty and cheated and so swear her soul to the Shadow.


10) Jocelyn mentions Lavinya’s abuse to Isha how realises his mentee’s work.  This throws him off the cliff.  Completely insane, Isha attempts to "right" past wrongs.  He attempts to kill Linten, but fails.  He leaves his precious sword and house to “son”.  To repay Ged, he cuts off his own left hand and gives to him.  He cauterizes his own stump before Travelling to Tar Valon to finishing paying for sins.  Ends up in Warder's Yard calling for Faile, Lavinya and Estel.  He cuts off his other hand to give to Faile to pay for what he did to Ged.  Cauterizes the stump before plucking out remaining eye to give to Lavinya as payment for refusing to see mentee's cruelty and being unable to save her from that.  This however, means he can't se his own Weaves, ends up drawing too much of the Power and Burns himself Out.


11) Reds take him from there, handless, eyeless, scarred past recognition, Burnt Out, utterly insane and begging for death.  Isha becomes prisoner of Tower and in custody of Reds.  He becomes test subject for Faile to use her new Milking Tears talent as this gets her revenge for him having chopped off her brother/lover’s hand.


12) After sometime in White Tower captivity, at the mercy of Faile, Eqwina gives her friend a mercy killing.


13) Ged remains alive and might be first in line if Healing of Gentling will be discovered by the Black Tower.

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changes to part 7)


ya, I need to talk with Reetta about this tonight cuz stuff'll change with Sira gone and Es being all "holy shit Sira's gone" :P  will give you details when I get them hammered out

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Guest Arie Ronshor

:) 7 Seems sorted out, just PM me for a more formal approval. ;)


Only thing, Arette pointed out to me that i mised when i approved it, was that Watchers and this all happens within a week and a half. (10-15 days).


Beyond that, still looking good. :)

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It isn't very logical that the WT would just sit on their hands for a month after the party does not report back. Although in essence they are because they don't really take action until Estel gets back.


E&E snooping around or disguised TGs might work, though but they wouldn't find out much.

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*huggles* I am terribly sorry about the confusion, Jocelyn.


Can we schedule a meeting on MSN or something and talk about this?


Have you seen the Watchers outline that I posted to the PotD Staff board? Does that make any sense to you? Has Covai seen it?

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Guest Arie Ronshor

I'm free durning the day (mostly).. hard to say when... etc..


(I have a Staff Chatroom that we can work this out in. I'll PM the link when i see both of you online at the same time?)


Would this work?

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