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White Ajah Politic - Pre raising of new Amyrlin


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Alright, something we need to figure out so we can post on that Hall thread a bit convincingly.


I'm just going to put forward this basic timeline, events thingy forward.  If you guys agree with it, we can use it as a base for us to post with our characters in the Hall RP from (which we'll use NSW's for).  If not, then we need to tinker with it, main thing is to be on the same page though.


I asked Reetta, she said that there was about three weeks (thirty days, each week in randland is ten days) between when Sirayn disappeared and when Annais was raised.  So, here is a proposed basic timeline (definitely not all of it to be played out, if any.  If anything in particular looks interesting to play with we can do it, or we can simply assume).



Week One


- Sirayn is deemed missing, no clues, possible talk about a new Amyrlin begins.  Lines are being drawn between support for different claimants, focusing on two in particular.  Blade Doctrine sisters (for the most part) support Kirsta Flores, a blue sister who is dangerously intelligent, regal, completely committed to the Tower and after two and a half centuries more than proven as a capable contender for the Amyrlin Seat who could help regain the Tower's position in the world, bring the Dragon into line and prepare the Tower for Tarmon Gaidon.


Diamond Doctrine sisters (once again for the most part) are instead aligning themselves with Annais Nevell, a Gray Sister who is younger than her rival yet shares just as distinguished a career and is also quite capable.  She is seen as more versatile as some (especially as she returns not long after Sira's disappearance with the Watcher's RP sisters returned), by others perhaps not to have the imperial stature required to be the Amyrlin Seat.  Those that know her would be aware that she would be more likely to negotiate with the Dragon, assist and aid rather than control.


- Lillian arrives with the news of the fall of Ja'varan who was in fact one of the Forsaken.  Also reports of having collaborated with members of the Black Tower and several fellow Aes Sedai, which strengthens the argument that the Dragon and the Black Tower can be reasoned with.  (Add anyone else who has had experiences with the BT that wasn't traumatic to help counterbalance the Watchers incident).  Add to that it was Annais that negotiated the return of the Watchers prisoners.


- Discussions of what will be required from an Amyrlin ensue, more support swings towards dealing with the Dragon than trying to exert control, but the upper hierarchy remains strongly against it because it would mean diminishing the position of the White Tower and its ability to influence politics of the Westlands and to guide the world towards Tarmon Gaidon.



Week Two


- Sirayn Simeone's disappearance hasn't prompted the choosing of a new Amyrlin Seat yet, waiting to see if Sirayn will reappear is on the agenda.  Nevertheless, the talk continues and deepens as to whether a new Amyrlin Seat be picked between the two candidates.


- The issue becomes heated enough within the White Ajah that a leadership challenge takes place.  The shift in opinion over the week leads to Leah Bree being dislodged and a middling White Sister NSW that see's value in both doctrines being raised to the position in order to balance out the representation of sisters.  Adrai Tynin remains sitter because as eldest she remains a valuable asset, head of the ajah takes a position and a sister that strongly supports the diamond doctrine is given the remaining position.



Week Three


-  The issue of Amyrlin remains under discussion, sisters from outside the White that are hoping to influence the White's decisions so the issue of which replacement for Sirayn shall be settled.


-  Internally, the general consensus finds itself resting with Annais Nevell because she seems more willing to listen to the White Ajah and take advice rather than push forward her own agenda which Kirsta Flores plans suggest.  This is nearly unanimous at this point because although the Blade Doctrine initially backed Kirsta Flores, her unwillingness to cede a few valuable points on her plans as Amyrlin led to the logical conclusion that it was better to have a 'weak' Amyrlin that would take advice than a 'strong' Amyrlin that would take none.


- When the Hall is convened to elect Annais as Amyrlin, White Ajah fully supports her.




Kirsta Flores as a character isn't confirmed yet, but you get the general jist.  :)  Does this work?

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With Annais dead and buries, we probably should look into how the White Ajah felt about hte raising of a Red in her state. Annais ruled only a short time and I can only imagine that her demise caused some frustration in the Whites, especially as they were so "proud" to have an Amyrlin that was easier controlled, weak.


I have not read the current Amyrlin's bio yet but as Muir plays her I doubt she is much of a weakling. ;)

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Hee no, Shevara is toughness on toast.




It looks like she's not updated the bio in a bit, but you can still get the basic idea. :)


Now, when we got Shevara rolled out, we didn't have any Whites to really speak out... so I ended up commenting along these lines:


Though my White isn't a Sitter (and probably never will be, unless she breaks down a lot of personal walls.. and, y'know, lost her apathy to politics!), I think she'd find it sort of illogical to let a Red be put into power considering the whole WT/BT negotiations that are underway.


So yes - I think I chalked up this Amyrlin to 'Thanks, but no thanks' for the Whites.  Does that work for a base? :)

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Cool. :)


I will say that the Reds and the Black Tower have actually done a LOT of good working out, and Shevara herself will be bonding an Asha'man when the time is ripe.  I *think* this has been posted up in outline form somewhere, and would definitely be something to consider as far as Ajah politics is concerned... though the Whites won't get to bond any Asha'man until later.

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