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rp reports


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is talking to arie on sugestions to do RP reports, so for that because i think its an easy way of keeping a log, both for staff, yourself and for others to find info...i'd like to encurage everyone to make their own tread for their char like i did, with full title and name in the headline


in hope we can get reports done much like req report boards, add one new post each month with newly started RPs (no need to rereport ongoing rp's)


include title, link and a short description


no new posts is gonna be asumed as no new RPs said month...

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Just an FYI there is a report board called RP Report board I suggest using that for it so we don't have to do this multiple times for each character BA and GA etc.  And just provide you with a direct link to our thread there... stickie it here for ppl to post there thread as they are added to the ajah.

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i ment the report  board and what was ment with this was to make your treads there so you dont have to worry about such


ie make the headline with all title of your char

mine : Green Sister, Black Council Cemarillinin Adõa


then make 1 new post each month to tread including any new treads without counting old ongoings already reported, and you make yourself a neat archive as well


the whole multi reporting of treads part of what frustrated me as extra workload with old reports


Arie got the final say thoug it was just my sugestion to do this, and she said i could test it out with BA but well as said we all bellong to other ajah's as well so just making it a sugestion to members here...as it at least to me seems a orderly way to do it


which also means if you dont have any new RPs for a month or two...there wont be a new post to your tread and it will fall to the botom of the list, and so be obvious without the new reply sign to it that you are not having any new RPs ie either just wraping up old ones, or on RP LoA ;)



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