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When it Rains.. (BuBbLe oF eViL RP OPEN)

Guest Arie Ronshor

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Guest Arie Ronshor




Talbs looked up in earnest as the shift in the winds caused anusual shutter over her dark sunkisses skin. The morning had done nothing to ease her unsurety. Since breaking from the maiden tents and the hair on the back of her neck swayed int he winds with unease. Even the wise ones that sat around thier tent looked no more comfortable about the winds than she did. Brushing a loose white curl behind her ear she pulled her shoufa into place.


"There be foul winds today, sister." A woman walked up beside her ,passing Talbitha her Spear. She only accepted her treasured weapon and nodded her head. "Keep vigilant."


"Vigilance is my creed, sister." Talbatha smiled at the woman. "it is you that needs to watch her back." The woman shrugged but did not smile and returned into the tent but not for a retort that Talbatha did not catch. With a small shrug, Talbatha jogged to the entrance of the Hold, her jeweled bracelets dancing in the sunlight making only a slight jingle. She was then joined by two other of her Aiel sisters, Prue and Gwen, both newer maidens from another Hold. She did not know them well enough, but they were here to learn, and guard. They were then soon joined by others, the last to arrive, although not from the tents but from outside the hold, was the Clan Chief Ghaul.


Pulling her Veil over her face, she ignored the hand movements of her sisters who knew of t rumors that were circling the Maiden Tents. One that told of the Wise Ones insisting the Man settle down with a wife. And others of another few warriors that were fighting for the maidens attentions beyond a few scratches on their cheeks.


The sun rose as the winds died slightly, shuffling only the barest grains of sand as the ran to the watering hole. The barest of ripples in the sand had Talbs watching her back as the moved over the shifting oceans of sands. There was very little that could sneak up on this group of warriors, each strong, but why would anyone come this far into the three Fold Land?


And why was she contemplating the thoughts of an attack when it was only normal for them to search out the watering hole.


But as the sands shifted and gave way to the barest of green, she could see only beyond that was being noticed by the rest. As if simultaneously, each pulled their veils over their faces, and weapons were draw, and a sharp wind whipped past them bringing forth a scent that nearly caused Talbitha to wrinkle her nose behind her veil.










ooc: hope this looks alright to everyone.

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Guest Allisa



With the sun rose the Aiel, spilling out of roofs and tents to break their fast just as the first rays breached the mountains. Most gathered at communal fires as the gaishain ladled porridge and handed out flatbread, eyes downcast and expressions humble.


Alisis paused at the entrance to the sweat tent and the Apprentices and Wise Ones behind her followed her gaze. A large contingent of warriors, led by the Clan Chief Ghaul were preparing to escort gaishain to the waterhole. The white clad Aiel were overburdened with pots and waterskins. For a moment Alisis debated sending along an Apprentice or two to help with the load but just as quickly dismissed the notion. There were more important errands for her Apprentices than hauling water back to the Hold.


“Tinda, you shall tend the rocks today and Shelen will prepare the tea.â€


Pushing the rough hide aside she stepped into the sweat tent, already crowded for this early in the day. She found a seat near the rear and was immediately surrounded by Wise Ones and Apprentices. They fell to discussing clan matters in soft voices immediately as Tinda knelt near the piled rocks and began feeding the flames beneath them.



Head Wise One

Dreamer and Walker of Dreams

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[First Bubble]


Ghaul had never seen the Three Fold Land so quiet.The sun was scorching as usual,but there was nt any wind,not even the slightest.The land was also lifeless.Even in the heat of day there were insects and reptiles scuried accross the heated ground.But today they were all gone.There was something that just didn't feel right today,though Ghaul could not quite get what it was.It felt like ...


Well whatever it felt like,or whatever it was it would have to wait.There were more pressing matters at hand.A visit to the waterhole was in order since water supply of the Hold was running low.And by now the preparations were to be compleated.So Ghaul headed back to the Hold.As he suspected the preparations were compleated,and the group was waiting for him to arrive.Gai'shan had the water skins prepared and warrior were standing arround them,ready to leave.Maidens were talking in their handlanguage but the talk stopped once Ghaul,signal everyone to follow him and began running toward the waterhole.


As they neared the well the wind picked up.The scent which the wind brought however caused all the wariores to pull their shoufas up.Trollocs,only they smelled so foul.The warrior layed low and slowly neared the water hole.As they expected,there was a band of trollocs there,about the ame number as the Aiel warriors.And there was one fade.They were circling the waterhole and one Trolloc was carrying a box full of different vials.


"They are probably trying to poison our water" - though Ghaul.Well the Shadowtwisted did not have an idea that they were being watch,and that their end was a lot sooner than anyone of them thought possible.The Clan Chief signaled for the warriors to gather near him.


"The wind is on our side,the trollocs will not catch our scent and their vision is not as good during the day as it is during the night.We must wipe them out before the have a chance to poison our water" - the last was said with the utmost revoltion,how couls anyone think of poisoning water,here were water was more precious than gold and blood! - "I'll take the fade,you pick a trolloc and make sure you show them why is the Three Fold Land call Djevik Keshar in their language - the Land of Death!"


Unseen and unheard,the Aiel slowly closed their hold on the Shadow group.To the Shadowtwisted it seemed like the warrior who attacked them appeared out of nowhere




clan chief

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Bubble Two:


Cor was uneasy. Returning to the hold from his late night patrol accompanied by a handful of Stone Dogs, he couldn’t shake his feeling. Something just wasn’t right. The patrol had seen nothing unusual, but that didn’t change his mood at all.


For one thing, the Threefold Land was too quiet. There were always background noises of night birds calling or the scurrying of a sand lizard. But you never really noticed them until they were gone. Like this morning. Not even a slight breeze disrupted the eerie quiet, and as the sun peaked over the eastern horizon, the stillness bore down on him like a great weight. Furthermore, the Threefold Land was already hotter than a normal midday. And in the unnatural calm, he and his men were sweating like wetlanders eating hot peppers.


His patrol approached the entrance to Deep Shade Hold as the sun’s first rays struck golden highlights in the distance. Cor noticed the clan chief returning from some outing of his own, but Ghaul went in another direction, occupied with a group of gai’shain and Maidens who looked to be preparing for a trip to the water hole. Cor noticed Talbitha’s white hair amongst the Maidens on guard duty, and resisted the urge to visit and tease the lovely Maiden. Sadly, he had more urgent matters to attend to.


Stopping the second in command on this night’s patrol, Cor relayed a message to be given immediately to Xin, the Shae'en M'Taal’s society leader, that he would report shortly after doing one more quick run around the hold. “And tell him something doesn’t feel right this morning,“ Cor added. Although this was unusual, the older Stone Dog did no more than give Cor a brief relieved look and reply, “I thought I was alone in feeling strange,“ before regaining his composure and trotting off with the rest of the patrol toward the Shae'en M'Taal roof.


Cor hefted his spear and scanned the hold briefly before turning and loping once again outside. Having barely passed through the entryway, Cor was stunned by a sudden shaking of the earth that nearly knocked him sprawling. Gathering himself, and pausing to make sure no damage had been done to the hold’s entrance, Cor ran outside. Almost as soon as the shudder subsided, a gusting wind kicked up. Quickly becoming a howling sandstorm that swept the Threefold Land, the wind sent blasts of grit and dust in a thick cloud that prevented Cor from seeing more than a few feet in any direction. Taking shelter behind an outcropping of stone, and pausing to carefully re-wrap his shoufa, Cor breathed a fervent prayer, “The Light be with those at the water hole in this Light-cursed storm.â€


The violent wind faded as swiftly as it began, and Cor quickly finished his scouting circuit of the hold’s perimeter. Slowing his pace as he once again entered Deep Shade, Cor was on the verge of hailing another young Stone Dog about accompanying him to their roof to break the night’s fast and patting Nei’din, who was loping toward him, when a scuttling sound raised the hair’s on the back of his neck.


Cor whipped his head around only to witness a scene from a nightmare. A horde of giant scorpions that looked like they were made of sand was swarming toward the hold with nothing between them and the rest of the Dragonmount clan but him and his spears.


“Up spears!†Cor yelled, calmly raising his veil before sprinting toward the monstrous creatures, with Nei‘din on his heels. “Up spears! Up spears! Protect the hold!â€


Laughing as he ran toward what was probably the end of his dream, Cor wondered if these sand scorpions would interfere with his trip to the sweat tent with Talbitha.

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Guest Allisa



Using the specially fashioned gourd Tinda sprinkled water across the hot rocks and those within the sweat tent sighed and then visibly relaxed as the steam hissed and spread through the small, hot space. Alisis closed her eyes and drank in the heat, rotating her shoulders to ease the ache at the back of her neck. The Jindi Wise Ones were being totally unreasonable and she had spent a long, fruitless night trying to appeal to their common sense in the Dream. A gaza lizard has more sense than those women. A slight smile tipped the corners of her mouth upward. A Clan Chief has more sense.


Beside her she felt Reyala fidget. Without opening her eyes Alisis frowned and the movement ceased. A trickle of sweat eased its way down her back, tickling slightly as it traced a trail across her skin. Tinda was certainly being attentive to her duties. But the heat felt good. What should she do about Tinda? The girl was not learning as quickly as she had hoped. And Chinara had complained she was reckless and impertinent during her channeling lessons. Her willfulness must be curbed and her spirit bent, but not broken. Perhaps a Tizza would teach her to listen more closely to her teachers. She could even instruct the girl on the construction of the small zemai cage and have Tinda place the noisy bug in it herself. A few days with that noisome pest in her ear ought to be more than enough.


Yes, Alisis decided as she felt another trickle of sweat slide down her shoulder, the Tizza would be the perfect punishment. Though the girl seemed over zealous today in the performance of her duties. Beside her Reyala squirmed again but instead of frowning Alisis silently agreed. No Aiel liked to admit it was too hot but this was becoming uncomfortable.


She opened her eyes and was about to reprimand the girl but instead she gasped. Tinda sat barely three feet away and yet the steam in the tent obscured her. In fact Alisis could barely see Reyala seated directly beside her.


“Tinda! Enough steam, girl,†Alisis barked but there was no answer. Standing the Wise One reached blindly, hissing when her hand found the hot rocks. Beside them she found the Apprentice, laying on her side, struggling weakly. “Reyala!†Bending low Alisis could barely make out her blue face and bulging eyes, pleading with the Wise One for help. Prying the girls jaws apart Alisis searched for whatever she might be choking on but could find nothing. She winced when Tinda’s strong white teeth reflexively bit into her fingers.


It was as the girl gave her last twitch that Alisis saw the tendrils of steam wrapped around her neck, brutally squeezing the last breath out of the Apprentice.



Head Wise One

Dreamer and Walker of Dreams

~A man’s dreams are a maze even he cannot know~

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[bubble three]



Leaning against one of the poles in the sweat tent Reyala sighed. Moisture from the steam beaded on her skin and she scraped it off with her staera. The steam felt good this morning and she breathed it in deeply. Alisis had entered the tent and after ordering Tinda to tend to the rocks she took a seat next to her former student. Reyala grunted at that thought. Former student indeed the woman would still be trying to teach her more about being a Wise One when Reyala was old and grey.


A strand of dark red hair fell in her face and clung to her skin. Reyala pushed it back behind her ear and shifted in her seat. The heat in the tent was rising rapidly and the Wise One was beginning to become agitated. A few of the other Wise Ones were beginning to make noises and she realized she was not alone in her discomfort. Just as she was about to say something Alisis spoke up reprimanding the Apprentice who was tending the rocks.


The sterness in Alisis voice soon turned to alarm and she called out Reyala’s name. Opening her eyes she let out a gasp. The steam was so thick she could barely see anything in the tent other than vague outlines of people. Quickly rushing to Alisis side Reyala kneeled and hissed. “Alisis what sort of madness is this?†She yelled as tendrils of steam squeezed the life out of Tindra.


Suddenly tendrils of steam were everywhere forming into strands that seemed to be seeking out prey. One struck out at the Wise One Linara and wrapped itself around her neck and chest squeezing as the woman thrashed trying to free herself gasping for breath. One of the Apprentices who watched on in horror bolted for the tent opening. The girl clawed at the flap but it remained closed. Pandemonium broke out in the tent as others tried to flee but something unseen blocked the entrance not allowing them to leave.


In just a matter of seconds the serenity of the sweat tent had turned to terror as the Wise Ones and Apprentices tried to find a way out to no avail. Alisis still held Tindra in her arms. “Alisis what are we to do?†Reyala yelled to be heard over the screams of the others.


Not waiting for an answer Reyala opened herself up to saidiar. The sweet nectar filled her with power and she wove a dome of air and surrounded herself and Alisis with it. “This has to be the dark one’s work Wise One.†She yelled and let the power fill her with as much as she could hold.



Wise One

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Bubble 1


Davian walked silently along with a group of warriors, maiden's included, and the Chief as they made their way to the waterhole a troop of Gaishan following in their wake. Two other Seia Doon followed in his wake, equally silent in both step and talk. Silence became so ingrained in all Seia Doon many began to speak as little as Davian, or they were simply imitating their Society Leader.


Davian ran a finger idly over his scar, painted Black with dried snake blood, matching the spears the Seia Doon carried. A nervouse habit really, though why he should feel nervouse today was beyond what Davian could sense. The sand's were quiet, the only sounds the chating of warriors.


Out of the corner of his eye Davian red the hand signals from one of his companions, the man was a mute having lost his tounge when he took a spear in the cheek, and although the signals were more rudimentary than the Maidens, it was close enough to not require spoken words for whatever you needed to say.


The water comes near, foul stench in the air. Sniffing Davian could smell it as well, a smell not as familiar to him as it should be it was still a stink of..evil was the only word Davian could pin to it.


Vigilance. Spears ready. Follow command Davian answered nearly as quickly, turning back to the sands and the nearing waterhole. The sand's died down and Davian's hand, as well as every hand in the group, brought their viels up to hide their faces. Spear in hand Davian crouched low and listened the Ghaul as he gave the command.


"The wind is on our side,the trollocs will not catch our scent and their vision is not as good during the day as it is during the night.We must wipe them out before the have a chance to poison our water"


Davian smiled beneath his viel, a wicked cold smile that didn't touch his eyes. Killing these trollocs without notice was a Seia Doon's specialty, what they did est was done with stealth.


As silent as the wind Davian and his two companions made their way towards the groupd of intruders. Barely shifting the sand beneath their feet the Black Eyes appraoched three of the Trollocs from behind. Swift and Silent death. Davian's last commands before they began teh attack with the others. Roric's, the mute, spear took teh trolloc in the back of the kneck, rupturing the wind pipe and driving the beast to the ground without the posibility of an outcry. Maeric drove a knife into a boar faced monster's kneck, and Davian krept up behind his own quarry. Making himself immune to the stench he reached around and grasped the wolf muzzle of the Trolloc with one hand, and using the other wrenched it around with a defining snap, then quickly planted a dagger in the beast's back to make sure it died quickly. His dagger glistning Davian relished in the carnage taking place before him. The Dying Land was adding more blood to it's soil.




Seia Doon SL

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[bubble Two]


"A morning of unease, this is," Boran muttered as he and Krachend walked through the hold. "It's like that calm that comes before those Wetland storms."


Krachend nodded, remembering the storm that they had experienced on their way to Bandar Eban. The tents had shook with the echoing thunder, and that 'rain,' as the wetlanders had called it. It had felt powerful enough to drive a man to the ground. "I know what you mean, Boran. There's a... tension."


The Sovin Nai Second and the spotter spoke of lighter things, trying to alleviate the feeling that something was not right with the world. It didn't work, and the conversation trailed off into silence. It was in silence that they came to the entrance of Deep Shade Hold, where some of the Stone Dogs were standing. Krachend wasn't sure whether they were coming or going, but in a moment, it did not matter. The ground suddenly seemed to come alive, heaving and tossing like it wanted to cast off the puny creatures treading upon its back. Both Krachend and Boran lost their footing on the turbulant earth. Gravity took care of the rest, and the two found themselves on the ground, Krachend on one knee, Boran on hands and knees.


The shaking slowed and finally stopped, only to be replaced by a powerful wind. "SO MUCH FOR THE TENSION!" Krachend yelled over the howling wind as the two Sovin Nai scrambled to crouch behind a nearby building. Both men raised their veils, hoping to keep the sand filling their mouths and noses.


"LIGHT," Boran yelled back, "I'VE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE!" Even as he shouted, though, the wind died down, letting his last words echo through the hold. Nonplussed, the two men stood and lowered their veils, shaking sand off in the process. "What in the Pit of Doom is going on here?" Boran asked.


"I have no idea, but I'm not sure that it's ove-" Krachend cut off as he heard yelling from outside the hold. The yelling was nothing unusual, except people approaching the hold normally didn't yell, "UP SPEARS! PROTECT THE HOLD!" Krachend pointed back into the hold, and Boran loped towards the Sovin Nai roof, sounding the same cry as he ran.


Krachend went the other way, out of the hold and into the rocky terrain outside. He immediately saw the problem. And it was no small problem. Running as if Sightblinder himself drove them was a mass of scorpions. Scorpions were a common sight in the Three-fold Land, but never ones that were larger than a man. Light, they look like they're made of sand! What is going on here? The question didn't seem too important in the next instant, when Krachend caught the sound of laughter from ahead of him. The lion running behind the man meant it could only be one person.


Krachend's veil went up again, and a spear shifted from his left hand to his right. Idly wondering if a spear would do any good against a creature of sand, Krachend continued on his course, straight for the creatures. There were sounds from the hold that spoke of more of the Dragonmount Aiel right behind, which was a good thing; there were several of the creatures, and two warriors and a lion would not stand a chance against the creatures.


Cor and the lion made first contact, but Krachend was not far behind. Sidestepping an attack from one of the massive claws, Krachend dodged his way close to the creature's face. A spear to one of the eyes could be enough to bring one of the creatures down. As he thrust, though, a claw beat him aside while the other siezed his spear and jerked it out of his hands. The claw that knocked Krachend over took hold of the other side of the spear, and the creature snapped it in half with contemptuous ease.


Krachend scrambled back to his feet quickly, his second spear in hand. As he advanced again, another warrior joined him, another Sovin Nai named Feraj. The two warily made their towards the now-angry creature. Unfortunately, the claws struck again. Krachend was sent sprawling, but Feraj found himself caught tight between the pincers. The sand scorpion lifted Feraj from the ground, and before either he or Krachend could react, the creature's stinger flicked forward and stabbed itself into the man's chest.


The deed done, the scorpion threw Feraj to one side before coming after Krachend again. Instead of going for the eyes, the Sovin Nai Second threw himself beneath the creature and struck, his spear piercing deep into the scorpion's insides. The beast threw itself off the spear point and back before it disintegrated, returning to the sand from which it had risen.


As Krachend turned to the next one, he glanced at Feraj. The stingers were apparently quite poisonous; the body was bloated and gross. "Well, I guess that I won't let them sting me, then," Krachend muttered before throwing himself into the battle again.




Sovin Nai Second

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ooc: This will be Arie's and mine posts merged into one,RPed over ICQ


The Seia Doon moved in first.As expected of them,neither Davian nor his warriors gave the trollocs a chance to see them,not before it was too late and the knives of the warriors were in the beasts necks.Ghaul used the panic that was caused among the Shadowtwisted to attack the myrrdraal.The fade was fast,as a snake.It turned arround, as if it did not had any bones in it's body,to meet the charge of the clan chief.Black sparks flashed as the two blades met.Ghaul has met enough creatures like this in battle to know that they were not to be given the initiative,so he kept on attacking pushing the fade.The myrrdraal however was never an easy opponent,it's swordsmanship was phenomenal,only some of the warders Ghaul fought in the battle of Dumai Wells matched or surpassed the skill of these creatures,and their agility was uncanny.However,even myrrdraals fell in combat. Ghaul ducked beneath the black blade,rolling to one side to avoid the return slash.Once in position the clan chief launched himself forward slamming buckler first into the myrrdraal.The creature lost balance for parts of the second but it was enough.Ghaul's spear pierced it's neck and the second strike took it's head off.It was over though it will be a while before the myrrdraal admited that he's dead.They never died easily. Wiping the blood off his spear blade Ghaul witnessed as the warriors made short work of the trollocs.


The maidens followed swiftly after them, moving in thier own dance of spears and viels. Spreading as needed, they moved through the trollocs with ease of training, almost ina gleeful dance that carried its deadly aura through the beasts. Talbatha moved without taking interest in the movement of the spear in her hands. Smooth and light on her feet, she moved along her way, disarming and slicing the throats of the beasts that dared to step in her spears path.


The Three Fold Land has once again lived up to it's name - the Land of Death.The party of the Shadow was anihilated without a single loss on the Aiel part.Warriors were checking the battlefield,making sure that none of the shadowtwisted was alive.


"Make sure to pack the box of vials and send it back to the Hold,if they have poisoned other water sources the Wise Ones coulds use this to find an antidote"


Two Maidens immidiatly took to the task.Ghaul went to the water hole and looked at the precious liquid carefully.It seemed ok,and they were not any footprints near it.It seems they attacked just in time.Ghaul was about to have a drink of water and tell the warriors the good news when he suddenly jumped up,staring into the liquid in his hands and in the water hole.It was red,red as blood. Ghaul carefully tasted the red liquid,fearing that it the shadow might have tainted the water after all. But no,it was blood.Turning to the warriors the shock was clear on his face.The warriors rushed to the waterhole only to be amazed themselves.Mutterings began.


"Talbitha" - Ghaul called out the name of the only Maiden left with the group. - "Hurry to the Hold and find Wise One Alisis,and tell her to come here immidiatly with all the Wise Ones she can gather.Drag her here if you must but she must ..."


Ghaul's only warning was that Talbitha's eyes widened a bit before her spear flew towards him.He leaned enough to avoid her spear and saw what she was aiming for.It was not him but a creature,a human made of blood.The spear caught it right in the head and it melted down into a puddle.More of those creatures came out of the water hole and grouped to attack the Aiel.

Ghaul took a stand next to Talbitha


"Up spears!" - his voice rang. - "This battle is not over yet!"


And by the way things were going the Light only knew what would happen until it was over!



shocked Clan Chief

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(bubble 2)


Hearing the Call of "UP SPEARS" Ramza was immeatly done flirting with a weavers daughter and was rushing

Ax in tow toward the sound of a voice.....


A roar of a lion shook him from his running mind adn made him start to think throwing him off his pace.


Oh Lord this is bad isn't it


RUnning as fast as he could possibly go Ramza saw what could only be described as large Scorpions, shaking himself he rushed one of the scorpions from behind shoulder charging it and making it stumble.


"Well then ugly shall we dance?"

Ramza vieled himself and hacked with all his might at the tail nearly severing it, then it somehow grew back together.



"Oh blood and bloody ashes, this is not good"


Dodging a stinger he rolled sideways and waited outside its grasp till it came at him again, once it missed he slashed with all of his might at the stinger wich was severed, and the scorpion didn't grow a new one.





Dancing back ramza laughed, "Can't catch me can you you ungly sand colord thing"

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Guest Allisa



With a horrified fascination Alisis watched clawing tendrils of steam bounce off whatever Reyala had woven around them. Ghostly and menacing the twisted forms danced and cavorted against an invisible barrier, never seeming to weaken or tire. Abruptly she realized she still held the inert body of Tinda, gone from this Dream. Gently she closed the girl’s green eyes, promising her silently the songs she deserved when she was returned to the Mother.


Laying the Apprentices body aside Alisis stood, carefully testing the edges of Reyala’s protection. It was wide but low, she realized, crouching awkwardly. Beyond its edges she could sense movement and now and then caught a muffled sigh or gasp. The warriors near the entrance, she thought desperately, they are beyond the shield.


Without thinking she darted toward them, beyond Reyala’s safety and into a nightmare of heat and steam and clutching invisible fingers. They pulled at her hair, tugged at her shoulders and hips, pulling this way and that. Abruptly she realized she held her eating knife clenched tightly in her hand but what good would it do her against an intangible foe? And then she fell against another inert body, a Stone Dog and one she recognized for he was the son of her second sister. His hands were clasped around his throat, eyes bulging, mouth agape. This is no way for Aiel to die, Alisis nearly screamed but instead bit the inside of her mouth. One pain for another. Scrambling over Desiv’s body ~ Desiv, that was his name, and he had the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen ~ Alisis grasped a warm living body. “To the back of the tent,†she gasped and shoved whoever was still breathing in that direction.


And then she felt it, a hard pressure against the base of her throat ~ she had only a few seconds of horrified realization before she felt the savage grip tighten. Desperately she clawed for some purchase on her attacker and found none. Twisting desperately, her feet digging into the sand she struggled….



Head Wise One

Dreamer and Walker of Dreams

~A man’s dreams are a maze even he cannot know ~

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Bubble two


Charging the lead creature in the monstrous horde, Cor dove under a swiping claw that would have easily removed his head and came up in a roll, lashing the three legs on the nearest side of the giant scorpion with his spear and sending the speeding creature sprawling. Continuing his roll out of the path of the monstrosity, Cor regained his footing and sped toward the next beast in his path as he heard Nei’din land with a crunch on the scorpion he had just disabled.


Heaving his spear at the face of the closest oncoming creature, Cor had just enough time to stare in disbelief as the giant sand scorpion erupted in a cloud of sand and stone before he was knocked to the ground by yet another of the beasts. Cor was unable to regain his feet as he narrowly avoided first one swipe of a great claw and then another. It was only the grace of the Light that allowed him to shift his head as the giant monster’s third weapon, a stinger gleaming with liquid, stabbed the ground beside his ear with a hiss. Instinctively, Cor grasped at the beast’s tail with his arm and tried to hold on as it jerked upright to strike again. Losing his grip on his weapons and on the gigantic tail, Cor let himself fall, drawing his favorite knife from his boot as he did so. Hitting the ground with a thump, he shoved the knife into the underside of the creature’s head just as the stinger struck again.


The scorpion exploded in a burst of sand.


Re-sheathing his knife and gathering his weapons, Cor heard the sounds of battle all around him as he blinked the sand from his eyes. "IF YOU HACK SOMETHING ALL THE WAY OFF IT WON'T GROW BACK!" he heard Ramza shout in the distance.


Glancing around swiftly in the dust-filled air, Cor made out a handful of bloated, discolored corpses wearing cadin’sor and deduced that the beasts’ stingers were something he wanted no part of. Hearing Nei’din’s growls, he quickly spotted the huge, young lion engaged with two more of the creatures. Sprinting to his four-legged brother’s aid, Cor attacked from the rear of the closer monster. Diving under the unsuspecting monstrosity, Cor stabbed up into its underbelly which seemed to be the weakest point on the Shadow-cursed creatures. Nei’din, taking advantage of Cor's attack, launched himself at the other beast. Swatting away the stinger as if swatting a fly, the lion pounced on the sand scorpion’s head with a snarl.


Just that quickly, the two warriors were engulfed in exploding clouds of sand and grit as the battle raged on around them.

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[bubble three]


Cursing as Alisis left the safety of her shield Reyal called after the Wise One to no avail. “That woman has the sense of a gaza lizard at times.†She spat trying to gathers some measure of the madness swirling around her. The tent was full of hysterical women many dying only a few feet from her.


The tendrils of steam were vicious hunters seeking out their quarry with no regard to age or station. Wise One’s died as quickly as apprentices and warriors, the tent had become a killing ground. Through the horror she felt Reyala steeled herself as the one power coursed through her being heightening every sensation. Suddenly Alisis began to gasp for breath as one of the monstrosities wrapped itself around her neck.


A calm spread over Reyala and turning to face the nearest tent wall she used a strand of air to push an apprentice out of the way. Weaving flows of fire the Wise One lowered her shield and hurled a fire ball at the tent wall. With an audible explosion the cloth evaporated before the fires fury as it blew open a hole to freedom.


Turning back to the chaos Reyala used the one power to amplify her voice and screamed. “Everyone through the hole now!!†Bodies scrambled for the opening and began to pour through it. Turning to Alisis whose face was now red as she struggled for air the Wise One again filled herself with the Saidar. Quickly weaving flows she removed water from the tendril chocking Alisis and the steam dissipated into nothingness. Gasping for air Alisis began coughing and Reyala grabbed her arm and drug her toward the opening.



Wise One

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Guest Allisa



Fire and sand filled her eyes as the side of the sweat tent exploded, leaving her momentarily blind even as the invisible force that held her down attempted to tighten its grip around her throat. But with the fire came release ~ the pressure around her throat eased at once though she choked slightly, her stomach heaving up nothing but the taste of bile. A sudden rush of fresh, sweet, hot desert air filled her lungs, leaving Alisis not only gasping with relief but weak as a kitten. The heels of her feet had dug long trenches in the sand as she struggled and her fingernails were broken and bleeding where she had searched desperately for some purchase. Her back and necked ached like nothing she’d ever experienced and she was sure she looked a fright, hair tangled and naked body still streaked with sweat and dirt. Her throat hurt and even the blissful act of breathing was a double edged sword, sweet oxygen for wrenching pain.


Still dizzy she tried to rise only to fall back to the sand and for the first time ~ in a very long time ~ her need overcame her pride ~ she simply lay there, staring up at the blue cloudless sky, thankful to still be walking this Dream.


Slowly she became aware of the sounds around her, coughing for the most part, but it was the keening that had her struggling weakly to her knees. The sounds of mourning were unmistakable and tugged at her heart. In a half daze she crawled toward the sound, to find Reyala already there, cradling a woman Alisis did not recognize. The young Wise One’s eyes were haunted and beside her lay the body of a man. One look at his face had Alisis’ voice joining the grieving woman’s. Jarlin, Blacksmith to the Dragonmount clan, lay dead, his throat bruised and his face swollen. First Tinda and now this....


The wailing of the two women was suddenly interputed as the call to the Dance echoed throughout the Hold ~ “Up spears! Up spears! Protect the hold!â€



Head Wise One

Dreamer and Walker of Dreams

~ A man’s dreams are a maze even he cannot know ~

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Guest Arie Ronshor

[bubble One]


"Up spears!" - his voice rang. - "This battle is not over yet!"


She stood in horror as the water flooded over, pouring out as if alive. it bubbled from within and with each drop the water turned to blood. Looking to Ghaul, they merely nodded to each other. Signaling to her sisters, she posed her spear defensively.


"I do not think i will be able to run to the tents, Chief. it seems that our hands are too full here."


And within such a short time they were surrounded by these.. creatures. Behind her viel was fear. She did not understand what these creatures were, but they must be rid of. Moving with her spear forward, she engaged in battle with one, and with the flick of her wrist, an arm was lobbed off. The creature, whatever it was, howled in pain but then returned to attacking her.


The howl of pain was enough for her to press foward.


"Dance with me, " She sang as her spear andher moved through each, cutting them down one at a time. ".. I dare you to dance, you cursed Spawn."





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Davian thurst the spear down into the beast's chest and watched as the life escaped from it's eyes and it's limbs began to loss what little motion it had left. Davian lowered himself onto the boar snoated trollocs chest and wiped the blood of hs spear using the ratty cloth the trollocs called clothing. His two Black Eye's sitting around him.


The battle had been almost dull, Davian having only that first real kill. The maidens and other warriors had moved in quickly and Davian saw the battle was over in those few seconds and watched from the fringes, the maidens doing the brunt of the damage.


"That was about as exciting as taking a new trainee for training." Rorick said with a ghost of a smile, acompanied by Maeric's smile. Davian's face remained nearly carved from stone as the three Warriors shared their morbid jokes, veils hanging loosely.


Up spears! This battle is not over yet!" Davian turned adn was met with a scne that was able to stun him for longer than any opposing force would be able to. The water turing to blood and forming into...something.


In unison the three warriors were vield and hefting their spears. The vague human like figures surged foreward and Davian threw his spear to meet them. As it passed through the creatures chest it melted into a puddle.


But soon the three warriors were surounded, back to back wtih bucklers and spears their only protection. The creatures surged foreward and the Seia Doon met them with ready spear. Davian fought desperately so he wouldn't be touched by the abomination's and their blood wrought bodies. Creatures became puddles only to be converted back into creatures after a few moments. Roric let out a yell as he fell to the ground, the thick paste liquid of blood flowing down his throat as a creature consumed him.


Davian fought maniacally, back to back with Maeric avoiding his comrade who had drowned in a land where puddles were fought over. Drowned in blood made from the water that kept him alive. His body mingling with those of his enemies, waking from his dream after long last. Davian fought harder.




Seia Doon SL

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ooc:Again - Arie's and mine posts merged into one


[bubble One]


There was something very symbolic and ironic about about this fight.Ever since they first came to the Three Fold Land,the Aiel way of life has been based on two liquids - blood and water.For centuries Aiel have shed blood fighting over water,and here they were,fighting creatures of blood which came out of a corrupted,or perhaps tainted,waterhole. Yet to add to the confusion,the creatures fought like Aiel,so in a sense one might say that the spirits of the Aiel fallen in battles over water have now risen to fight them.Very symbolic indeed.Only that Ghaul cared nothing of the symbolism of the situation.His mind was looking for a way to kill those creatures for good.Spears,knives and ordinary weapons did have an effect on them but it was only temporary,the creatures melted into a puddle but soon formed again.If they did not find a way to kill those creatures permanently it would be just a matter of time before they all shared Roric's fate.


As the creatures encircled them Ghaul was now back to back with Talbitha.The Maiden never managed to run to the hold,and was not fighting for her life.Knowing that his back is secure Ghaul concentrated on the creature infront of him.Three of them tried to pull the clan chief into their embrace.But Ghaul was not going to fall that easily.He first stabbed the creature on his left,melting it down into a puddle,then pivoting,sending sand flying around him,Ghaul's spear made and shining crimson arc in the air as it cut through the two other creatures,melting them into puddles too.It was then that he noticed something strange.The creatures just stopped and looked at the puddle at the which the first creature has made.Ghaul shot a glance over it for part of a second and then looked back at the creatures with a smile on his face.He quickly kicked sand to cover the two more puddles before him.Yes that was it!! Usually when a creature melted into a puddle it stayed on top of the sand,as if it was in some invisble plate,but now the three puddles were just normal spots of bloodstained sand,this three creatures will not be back.


"Kick sand over the puddles!!The sand absorbs them!!" - Ghaul's voice once again rang out.


Talbatha's spear mirrored Ghauls as they fought side by side. Arching her spear tip, slashing the creatures before her to no avail. but with Ghauls words, she followed his action kicking sand at the creatures and over the puddles. A creature nearly reached over her as she spun around and with the sides of her spear she catapulted sand at the creature, manuvering gracefully out of the way. Pivoting her foot she turned in her Dance into a song with the dust, using her spear to kick up dirt in a shield of sand. Cutiing down her opponent in her dance, the sand grew around her in a whrlwind as sands shifted and changed, and covered her path as she moved. Working hard and working fast, she saw for but a moment a stone that was not a stone, and the head of one of her sisters lay at her feet.

not all of them had lived. Light take them. "Life is a dream -- of pain and woe." She whispered, her concentration broken for an instance, and the shifting sand stopped as her foot ende only a inch from the pool of blood. A creature crawling out and chomping down on her leg, without a sound, she fell to the sands.


Ghaul's spear went through what would be the face of his opponent,and the creature melted into a puddle.Kicking sand over it Ghaul scanned arround for another opponent.The number of creatures was quickly decreacing once the Aiel knew how to get rid of them for good. Suddenly the feel of Talbitha's back against his disappeared.Ghaul turned just time to see Talbitha falling to the ground,and a creature reforming from a puddle,grabbing her leg.In a flash Ghaul's spear came down on what should have been the neck.The creature melted back into a puddle,releasing Talbitha's leg.Ghaul quickly kicked sand over it.Ghaul kneeled next to Talbitha and looked arround.The battle was almost over,as the waterhole stoped spawning more creatures and the Aiel destroying the few that are left.Without the threat of enemies Ghaul concentrated on Talbitha's wound.The creature did not have a grip on her for very long but the wound was nasty looking,it had burned through her skin and damaged the muscle tissue,and ripped open the blood vessels in her leg.Talbs' was bleeding badly.Ghaul ripped the sleeves of his cadin'sor to improvise a bandage.With one sleeve he made a tourniquet just above Talbs'knee to stop blood flowing into the injured leg,and with the other he clensed the wound of sand and bandaged it.


Faultered steps, Talbs pushes herself up, holding tightly to her spear, her only form of strength., but colapses as Ghaul turned back to her. The pain nearly unbearable, she breaths hard and lets out no sound. She would not speak for fear that she would admit to the pain. She watched the wound as Ghaul carefully applied the tourniquet around her leg, forcefully cutting the blood from seeping further out of her body. She could feel cold seep through her skin, poison. She must get up! She shoudl not let the wound bring her death.But her first attempt to stand a shooting unexepcted pain shot through her and with a scream unlike anything that had ever escaped her lips, she fell unconcious at the Clan Chiefs feet.


Looking arround he could see that the Warriors who survived.The Gai'shan and mules were sent back to the Hold when they saw the Shadowtwisted,and with the water tainted it was clear as day that they would not be able to get any fresh water,at least not now.It was now urgent to get the wounded back to the Hold so they could be healed.Picking up Talbs in his arms Ghaul shouted


"Pick up the dead and wounded" - or at least what was left of their dead considering the acid touch of these creatures. - "We're heading back to the Hold"


With that he ran for the Hold



ooc:Ok guys,let's wrap it up

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Cor lost all sense of time in the raging chaos of thrust and parry, attack and dodge. Nei’din’s growls and shouts from other Aiel barely penetrated his consciousness. All that mattered was fighting to live for another second. His arms and legs burned with fatigue. He had lost his buckler and broken two spears. A tattered rag that had been his cadin’sor tunic was poorly wrapped around his head in a vain attempt to staunch the flow of blood. Breathing sent stabs of agony throughout his chest, a tribute to surely broken ribs. But he had managed to hold on to one spear and his favorite knife, and had left a trail of dead monsters spread across the floor of the Threefold Land.


Still he fought on. Until there was nothing left to fight.


As suddenly as the nightmarish attack had begun, it was over. Forcing himself to stand up straight, Cor surveyed the scene around him. The sand creatures were nothing more than shifting patches of sand in the breeze, but the nightmare wasn’t over. Aiel corpses littered the ground like stars in the sky. He, himself, looked almost like one of the creatures. Soaked in sweat from the battle heat, he was now covered from shoufa to boots in sand and dirt. He looked like a sand Aiel, albeit a bloody one.


He and Nei’din had struck deep into the stampeding torrent of monstrous scorpions and alone had managed to fight the monstrosities well outside the hold’s entrance. Staggering back towards the main body of Aiel warriors, Cor began to pick out faces he knew. Thankfully, only a few had awakened from this dream of pain and sorrow. He noticed Krachend, a Knife Hand, gathering his men, and thought it was a good idea.


Hailing his fellow Stone Dogs, he made his way to where his spear brothers had made their stand in the face of the attack. Barring the way into the hold, his society had suffered heavy losses. But, true to their creed, not a single creature had made its way past them. Looking for his society leader, he first noticed Ramza, a warrior about his age. Stopping in front of his spear brothers, he leaned on his lone remaining spear and asked, “What in Sightblinder’s name was that? Is everyone alright?â€

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(me and myths bubble)


"I would be alright but here comes a second wave of those blasted sand creatures"


veiling himself Ramza was one of the few that leapt forward hearing a deafining roar and seeing a figure run beside him ramza smiled, "May you not wake from this day spear brother, there are only a few of them this time i hope this is the last wave"


(ooc myth do you wanna keep going or not?)

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