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Everyone better get comfortable...


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in our new home. :) Welcome Darkfriends, and DFey type people who know that this place has all the right props in it. I'll accept bios and bribes with pleasure. :P As you can see, the Darkfriend guild has got one RP requirement board, where I'll be needing you folks to fill out your reqs so I can mark them accordingly, and this board for us to discuss, plot, and even spam a little. Now, here's a couple of things I need to check:


If you've read Ata's staff restructure, I'm your new resident evil AGL type, but I much prefer being called Vera or Ashara thanks. :P I'm here to ask questions, help you with RPs, fill out your reqs, plot...anything really. All you need to do is send me a PM or add me on either:


Msn: unabridged_aquarius[at]hotmail[dot]com

Skype: mrijax


Now that we're clear on who's going to be terrorizing you for the next century, I want to know who's here. If you could be bad? good? enough to post following this post letting me know, it'd be great. Also, I'm happy for this thread to become a discussion on whether you folks think we need more boards, or if there are any suggestions you'd like to make concerning our group. Once I know who's here, we can start another discussion about who's character is where, and what help is needed. :)


So, come forth and jeer!




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*beam.* I've a lot of things on my mind that we can do with the people we've got here- [Three Elite Dark friends. That is freaking awesome!]but first of all, I come asking more questions, and some RPs you folks should get into.


Question: What path do your DFs follow, Gon and Devon? I know Cari/Mat is an assassin, but what about Sevrud and Gon?


Secondly, the RPs I mentioned. SG has two main plotline RPs going on, that are basically stand still right now. Are none of you interested in joining, either with your PCs or temporary characters? Please check out This thread and let me know if you think you can be there. Ata says all types of DFs are welcome. :)



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And Twyla, I've not forgotten about you. *hug* You too can join as a NSW or TTPC in the RP signup I've linked the two of them too, but I've  some plans for the newbies in our group, that I'll deal with once Devon and Gon have replied to the previous post.

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Well, I've got Kis handy, and can also RP her daughter Keaira.


D'you still need me for training Ashara?


Kiserai is Shar Mahdi (Master of Stealth, or whatever it's called these days)

Keaira is some sort of low ranking DF, works as a courtesan.

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Great. And I'd love that Kis, I've just been an idiot and not replied, which I will try and rectify soon. :) And Sevrud, neat a Regular. :)


I've a couple of suggestions I'll be posting later today, but till then, what RPs are you guys interested in? There's plenty we can do, and since we are reasonably small, maybe even something together. What would you like? Training's always there too, and I know we've a couple of newbies who'd like some. :)


Let me know. Also, what are your WSs?

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Great. And I'd love that Kis, I've just been an idiot and not replied, which I will try and rectify soon. :) And Sevrud, neat a Regular. :)


I've a couple of suggestions I'll be posting later today, but till then, what RPs are you guys interested in? There's plenty we can do, and since we are reasonably small, maybe even something together. What would you like? Training's always there too, and I know we've a couple of newbies who'd like some. :)


Let me know. Also, what are your WSs?


NP :) I can take it slow, as my RL is picking up speed again any time soon *s*

Kis' WS is 17, last time I checked

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Awesome! There are a couple of other people who want to play Courtesan too. One's Winter Mist/Toulan Deameau and the other's Twyla/Drea. And since I think you know Drea, you could have fun doing some RPs or something, right? :D

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I'm around!  Demus, lovable assassin :P  Um... I need to look up his WS though.. I haven't the foggiest at the moment and i'm still on LOA until Monday so I don't have access to it.  He's a trained assassin (and still in training with Cari :P) with some practice in seduction and the like.  He lives at the Ranch, but i've recently set his path to the road for a time to see how he handles himself now.  If anyone is interested in playing, let me know!

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