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Dragonmount Anthology


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Hello, I'm one of the authors in the new Dragonmount fiction anthology, so I figured I'd better finally join and say hi.  It's good to join the community.


I know I'm a newbie, but if you haven't seen the anthology yet I really encourage you to check it out, and I'm not just saying that because I'm in it.  Seriously, my motives are halfway genuine: the book looks great, the stories are awesome(at least the ones I've read so far), and all the proceeds from sales go to charity.  I bought a copy. My mother did too.  Join me, my mother, and the mothers of all the other contributors and buy your copy today!


Was that too over the top?  Sorry.  The book really is good, though.  I'm glad to be a part of it and to be part of Dragonmount.  Thanks.


-Garrett Calcaterra



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GCal, welcome to DM (do you mind if I call you that...long names confuse my keyboard).


Thanks for the info, I will try to check it out and even more so becasue it's for charity, I'm a mother so that qualifies me ;D


Come and take a look around the boards. The Illuminators might intrigue you as they have a Scribes Chapter house, and they love to write. Or maybe even try a hand at RP further doen the boards. But if you want to socialise then by all means pop by the Orgs and have a look around. Some have themes..The Band like musci and trave, The Seanchan like films, TV and games and the Wolfkin love nature. The Illuminators are the creative Org, not just writing but art, graphics, cooking and crafts as well.


So have fun and If you have any questions just ask.

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