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Theory on asmos murder


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RJ has pretty much denied LTT, since we see Rands body just moments before the murder, and that body is very much controlled by Rand, not LTT.


Right.  Like I said, I don't think he did it, but I don't think his compulsion to find Myrelle is proof that he didn't.  In fact, had his bond not been transferred I would suspect him less.  Since it was transferred I think he was spared a lot of the backlash warders feel at the death of their AS.  I think Lan is one of the more likly characters to resist compulsion, especially since he knew it would happen.


Was Myrelle already in Salidar?  If she was isn't Caemlyn on the way?  I could see Lan wanting to check on Rand and the girls.  They may be the only people left he cares about, and Moiraine could have left him a job or simply hinted in front of him (on accident or on purpose) that Asmodean was dangerous.


This idea just popped into my head an hour ago, so I haven't had a lot of time to think about it just yet...  There has to be more to it than simply going to find Myrelle to totally dismiss it though.


Well, if Compulsion Light is not good enough for you (even though what we see from Lan the next two times we see him proves you wrong), look at the timing.


Lan leaves cairhien by horse the same day as Asmo dies. Did Mandarb grow wings, and I missed it?


Mandarb is a special horse  ;D.


See, that's the proof I was looking for. 


Back to the drawing board...  So if we were all on the Caemlyn PD Homicide Unit who are we calling in for questioning?


Ok so Slayer is pretty much out of the question.  But then who could it be? ???


It could be Graendal but in TPoD pg.266 when Shaidar Haran talks to her, he says something like 'the time when you could go your own has passed.' This kinda infers that Graendal was going her own way and not bumping off other Forsaken. This leaves an accidental meeting with Asmodean.


I doubt Lanfear or Moiraine would have killed Asmodean. They were stuck with the finns for crying out loud. I don't think it is possible for them to get out.  Plus, if you escaped from the finns, you wouldn't want to return.  Thom is the one who gets Moiraine out according to Egwene.  She doesn't get out by herself. Plus if Moiraine did get out, she wouldn't have been able to use the OP as a weapon, and I think Asmo was balefired.


Asmo wouldn't have been able to recognize SH or Moridin so he wouldn't be suprised/shocked or afraid.


If Mesaana killed Asmo she would have reported it to the DO but she didnt.


Arangar and Osangar were busy being dead.


Moghedien was Nynaeves prisoner.


In LOC pg. 141 Semirhage thinks Asmodean had vanished. So does Demandred on pg 16.


In LOC 133, Sammael shows ignorance of Asmo's fate.


A gholam killing Asmo would have been messier.


Taim killing Asmo might be possible I guess but who knows? :-\-


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Guest cwestervelt

Virtually everything has been said repeatedly.  There can be no consensus until after Jordan reveals the truth.  Even then, people will still likely argue about it.  Come up with something completely new (and not totally asinine) and you might get takers.  Otherwise why would anyone want to start it all over again?


Has anyone considered that the Gholam killed Asmo ???

It seems to instill fear in everyone and even the forsaken say Aginor shouldnt have created it.

Has anyone considered that the Gholam killed Asmo


Yes, but it didn't.


Because we had no idea who or what a gholam was in TFoH, and RJ said we had all the necessary clues by the end of TFoH.


Also, the gholam leaves bodies (drained of blood).


Also, the gholam would have had to already be in Caemlyn, for no real reason, since no one knew Asmodean was going to Caemlyn that day, and as far as we know, gholam can't Travel via gateways.


So, the gholam didn't kill Asmodean.


The funny thing, I think, about everyone attempting to answer this question is that it probably isn't going to be relevant in later chapters. It's not like examining prophecy, where it can give clues to what happens in the Last Battle. The only reason it is such a big question is because RJ said it was intuitively obvious, so everyone thinks that it can be figured out, so everyone tries to reason who killed him.


Anyways, from what we saw of Graendal in tPoD, she had sifted through Sammael's stuff after he died, so it's very likely that she was intending to do the same for Rahvin. The only question is how she knew Rahvin was dead if she wasn't in Caemlyn when he died.


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