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21 Questions Movie Game -- Let's Finish This.


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I wanted to put some closure to this thread so that we can either kill the game completely or have someone else take the reigns. The original thread, in its entirety can be found <a href="http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=16836&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0">here.</a>


But for a quick recap of the questions, here's they are:


Q1: Was the movie made after December 31st, 1979? YES

Q2: Is the movie currently on the IMDB top 250 movies of all time? NO

Q3:Was the Film Made after december 31st 1995? NO

Q4:Is it a comedy? NO

Q5:Is it an action movie? (Action being anything that involves shoot outs, fire fights, high octane movies... like Die Hard, speed, fast and the furious, or anything that has the Action listed under the Genre) NO but Paityr can loosely relate this to action in some way

Q6:Has anyone associated with the making of the film won an Oscar at any point in time, weather it be before or after? NO

Q7: Okay then, Is the movie on any of these lists?




Q8: Is the movie genre Sci-Fi? NO

Q9: Cult Classic? - No, but Paityr waivered so it may be somewhat of a cult classic...

Q10: Was it popular? No, but Paityr liked it

Q11: Was the movie released after December 31, 1988? NO

Q12: Is this movie classified as a B movie? NO

Q13: ok is it on this list? list #1 (list of movies from 1980) NO

Q14: No, it is not mentioned in any of the non-linked text on that site (including all of the pages, not just the main homepage).

Q15: Was the film released before December 31, 1984? NO

Q16: Is it a western? NO

Q17: Is the title more than 2 words? The way it is written in the title, YES (technically, though, according to Webster's Dictionary the first two words of the title should actually be a single word)

Q18: Was it released before December 31st 1986? NO

Q19: is it on this list?


Any Man's Death (1988)

Big Top Pee-wee (1988)

Bye Bye Vietnam (1988)

Code Name Alpha (1987)

Comic Book Confidential (1988)

Dead End City (1988)

Death Row Diner (1988)

Good-Bye, Hero (1988)

Hip Hip Hurra! (1987)

Pick-up Artist, The (1987)

Right Hand Man, The (1987)

Snack Bar Budapest (1988)

Summer Camp Nightmare (1987)

Sweet Hearts Dance (1988)

Torch Song Trilogy (1988)

White Water Summer (1987)





Now, there was a bit of analysis done after this last question was asked, but I'll let you all go back and read it. You've got two questions left.


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Let's win this thing guys. 


I am going to work up a profile on each movie.  Personally I am now leaning towards White Water Summer for some reason... mainly because it is the one most known to me that meets the criteria....


First I am excluding the following movies....


Big Top Pee Wee, Pick-up Artist - because it is a comedy

Snack Bar Budapest - because it is porn

Any Man's Death, Right Hand Man, Summer Camp Nightmare, Torch Song Trilogy, Hip Hip Hurra!  - More than two words where the first could be combined

Sweet Hearts Dance - Susan Sarandon won an oscar



Very Possible


White Water Summer - Kevin Bacon, Sean Astin

Plot Keywords: Porn Magazine / Canoe / Voice Over Narration / Teenager / Campfire

IMDB Rating: 5.6/10




Bye Bye Vietnam - Foreign movie, made in Italy

IMDB Rating - 3.8/10


Dead End City - Independent, no big names

IMDB Rating:  6/10


Code Name Alpha - No Big Names, Foreign

Plot Keywords: Spy / Remake / Based On Novel

IMDB Rating: 4.7/10


Death Row Diner - Independent - No big actors

IMDB: 1.9/10


Comic Book Confidential - documentary, no big names

IMDB Rating - 6.6/10



So my next question is....



Is it White Water Summer? (edit, please only answer this if the answer to caddy's question is yes, seems we posted at the same time)


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Q20: YES

Q21: YES


Nicely done. I think it was the final list that was posted that really narrowed it down for you. I figured someone would drop the Kevin Bacon question earlier, which would have narrowed it down sooner.


Can you see why I had difficulty deciding if this was an action film or not? Anyway, I loved the movie and figured it would give people a run for their money, since it's a pretty obscure KB role.

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