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Basic Information

Handle : ashara

Character Count : Already have Vera Cadsanome, Gray Sister, so this one would be my second character.

Contact : unabridged_aquarius11@hotmail.com


Character Information

Name: Tirzah Behen

Age: Sweet sixteen ;)

Nationality: Saldaea




Tirzah appears from every angle to be a young Saldaean youth. Her preferred state of dressing is that of a lad, and she has brought changes about her body and face to ensure that she looks exactly so. Tirzah has a slightly scruffy appearance, due to her constant and vigorous training under the sun, where her main aim is to master the ways and whims of the general, nameless man. She is quite painfully lacking when it comes to womanly assets, but believes that this points strongly in the direction of disowning her femininity. She is commonly found wearing plain hues of brown and black, unless she finds herself wearing clothes gifted to her from her mother which are usually of lighter shades like green and blue. Even men can garb themselves in attractive colours, after all.


Facially, she is an exact replica of her twin, excluding a few minor details. While Lucrecia’s hair can tumble down majestically around her frame, Tirzah has black hair that ends just below her ears, make her face seem sharper than it is. She has almond shaped eyes of a dark brown hue, that express the feelings within her without concern about any other’s thoughts on it. High cheekbones combined with tanned skin are a sure sign of the hours spent in the great outdoors. Lastly, she has a rich and clear voice that is often authoritative. All in all, Tirzah makes a handsome boy.




Skills: Unless you count an impressive vocabulary in all the ‘French’ she’s picked up either through direct use towards her, or by scavenging it through unscrupulous but successful means, her best bet would be the ability to bargain




Tirzah is a wild child; one of those reckless, feral creatures who walks in the nightmares of every future parent. If Lucrecia is the placatory balance in the somewhat unnerving Behen twins, then Tirzah is the extreme that promptly tips them over. She has not a care in the world for what others excluding her twin may think of her, and does as she fancies. If there are obstacles that prevent her from doing so, she will drill through them with determination. Punishments do not scare or deter her, nor would lectures, firm shakings, slaps across the cheek or any scathing words. A tight slap might get you one in return though, and bribes are always considered. Tirzah is straightforward, judgemental and temperamental. She is not however, a fool. She is capable, and her stubborn streak hardly means that she is without wits. Tirzah can and will under certain circumstances, adapt herself to meet requirements. If it wasn’t for the fact that she is prettily passionately set on destroying every Shadowspawn out there, Tirzah (jokingly) reckons she could make the ideal darkfriend.




Theirs was not an extraordinary history. They were not heroines from a weep-laden tale of misery, nor were they the marvellous creations of a Creator who seeks that his children are the best. Lucrecia and Tirzah Behen were the twin daughters of Rakim and Zarya, born one bitter winter night, while all the stars twinkled and dazzled. They were brought up under the liberal, if watchful eye of their mother and two servants, but really more often than not, the twins would find themselves with only each other as company, while Mother would spend her time continuing a rich trade line that had been cultivated many generations before her. When she was not doing so, she would spend her time with her girls, teaching them the tricks and twists of exchange, embedding into their minds the secrets of what made a successful bargain. Both the girls found pleasure in the teachings she provided and learnt quickly, but found sooner rather than later, that their interests lay elsewhere.


Sooner rather than later, because of the not so welcomed event in an otherwise pleasant story. Rakim Behen was a general in the Saldaean army, a happy man with a generously large beam who had cunning in the deft strike of an arrow or spear, the maps and inner workings of the Borderlands and most importantly, the keen intuition on where the Shadow’s next death march lay. He was a good soldier they say, and a great amount of affection for him in each every heart in the Behen household seems to suggest that he was a good man, too. Tirzah looked up to her father, in every sense of the phrase. He was proud, respected and a careful thinker who never wasted an opportunity to laugh. Tirzah often found herself wondering if she had inherited her temperamental nature from her father, for he too lived on flares and fades in emotion- suddenly bursting into a dark scowl at one moment, and then at the next, laughing at the sheer stupidity of the argument. It would often seem to annoy every fibre in her mother’s being, for she was one to hold grudges, and then let the resent rot away inside her as long as it pleased. They made a fine pair together, balancing each other out well, which is why the way their offspring turned out doesn’t occur to either Twin as a wonder. Their volatility for past stupidity, Tirzah had once declared.


A happy family put together. Sturdily different, and warm greeters of daily surprises. Not all brought them joy, though. When the news came of Rakim’s fall in a raid, from the lips of a stranger with a saddened face, things changed radically in the family. The unexpected snatching away of the Master of the house, the husband of one, the father of the remaining was a powerful blow. Each member grieved for the loss and let the impact of the missing male of the house fill in differently.


Zarya, the twins' mother, plunged herself into the depth of trade; one day it would be trinkets, the next day horses, and then the occasional shock of weapon and armour. Where their mother had found such items they didn't know, but day by day, exchanges would be made between her and nameless merchants. Wealth trickled in slowly, but it was more the need to keep herself busy that kept Zarya steady.


Lucrecia chose a path similar to her mother. Friends were left far behind, a pretty picture placed on the backburner. Neglected? No. It was really a matter of what meant more. Dribbling day and night in the lore of herbs and healing, she opted for her future over her present. She found in herself a prevailing thirst to learn more day by day, devouring every book and asking every question she could to anyone who seemed of importance on the matter. It was her wish to become the local healer, one day. However, this focus led her to a distant and difficult road; their little locale was hardly the place to quell her craving. 


For once, Tirzah’s way of dealing with things was completely different to that of her twin’s. Her decision was a swift one, made a split second after rich mud was patted onto the soil, a finishing touch. It came to her as she felt the full weight of the matter, that all that was left of her father were carefully placed remains inside a cold and unfeeling grave. She felt no tears slipping down her cheeks, not even anger at the threatening cloud of Dark that had cast this shadow over their house. Tirzah knew only determination. She would become her father. Or atleast, grow into him.


Overnight, she changed herself.




So where were the raven tresses that once made no eye tell the difference between the two twins? Snipped away. And the touch of rouge paired with the dangling earrings, the ones her mother always made her wear? Gathering dust, in a cabinet somewhere. What of the dresses? She never liked them much anyway.


Understand this- her choice was not a sacrifice. She had considered her options with clarity, knowing that not many remained. Forsaking her first self was something that came naturally to her, without grief. The only pressure she felt was that of feeling responsible for her twin, and that was one she never revealed to Cia, for fear of being ridiculed.




Months passed with Tirzah working in her father's place but Lucrecia was growing restless with her work with herbs. She felt she simply wasn't doing enough and she could tell Tirzah was feeling the same. So one night after they ate dinner Cia brought her out only the balcony to talk. "I can tell you want to do more Tirzah," she said. "So I have an idea I've been tossing around in my head for a while and I think it'd be good for both of us. We're young still and no one is taking us very seriously. So I think we should go to the White Tower."


The White Tower. Place of legend, and sharper tongues would say myth. Tirzah bit into the thick bread as she considered Cia's words, her mind racing with possibilities and wonders. They both knew little of the Tower other than what their parents knew, or what people around them did. And all they knew seemed based on grand tales of heroism, the awe inspiring figures that were known through the land as Aes Sedai and of course, there twisting, maddening strings. Tirzah's nose wrinkled as she pictured them; a tall woman dressed in shimmering white, holding her gaze as her mouth opened to send out fluid words.


No doubt that Tirzah would feel wonder if she ever met one, no doubt that there was good reason for them to be considered powerful, but the ones who interested her more, were the lurking shadows of some Aes Sedai. Warders, men and women shrouded in even more mystery than their Aes Sedai. These were the real heroes in Tirzah's eyes, for the gleeman who'd told them the tale, had spoken of warriors of unrivalled skill, cunning and ability. She pictured herself amongst them one day, holding a weapon as she stood a little behind an Aes Sedai. She would be faster than any other Warder, she would be smarter than any other trained there, she would become a face of all Warders, she would....


She would go. Tirzah looked at her twin as she swallowed the bread, and grinned. "Only if you let me be your Warder. I reckon we could kick some shadow spawn rears pretty hard together."


"It's agreed then," Lucrecia said. "Let's pack tonight, sleep, and we'll leave before sunrise. We'll leave mother a note."


"As you say, Aes Sedai." Tirzah laughed as she neatly slipped out through the doors, turning back only once to look towards the sky. The night was an inky black, but it was laden with stars. A good night to decide.



  Post a bio that long again, Vera, and it will be your last!


Ok I am just joking. Cross-checked, but it took a while to read

Guest Arie Ronshor

I really liked it. :P Longer Bio's are my favorites.... to a point. ;)

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