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Illuminators Ask: What are your interests?


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You see what we are about down below, now I ask you, what are your interests?


Most everyone has some interest that resides in the creative aspect of life.  If you don't fit into the "most" then you are still welcome, everyone should be able to appreciate some sort of creative effort whether its from reading a book or watching a movie.


We are asking you what are your interests?  Do you wonder how to create a movie or the stunning special affects in them?  Or how a person writes a character you feel in depth with?  Can you do any of these things whether or not you beleive you are good at them does not matter.


I'm trying to find topics that one of our four chapter houses doesn't cover.  As a reminder, the Artist Chapter House covers anything and everything artistic from drawing and sketching to photography and digitital rendering and painting.  The Smiths Chapter House focuses on Digital Manipulation, Sigs, Avatars, Web Design and Develpment, programming in various other languages.  The Crafter's Chapter House focuses on Sewing, Woodworking, Jewelry making, baking, cooking and anything else that revolves around manipulating real things into works of "art".  The Scribe's Chapther house focuses on writing, editing, publishing in any genre this also includes poetry, movie and play scripts as well as the typical novel/short story we normally focus on.


Let us know what might draw you into a discussion about creativity.  We want to share with you and you to share with us.



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Or how a person writes a character you feel in depth with?


That has always amazed me.  I'd love to be able to write like that.  The deep character and world building immersion that the best authors give us is nothing short of brilliant.


Perhaps I should check out the Scribe Chapterhouse.....

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If you want to check out some world building in progress you can check out the Illuminators Org board (with out having to sign up) and check out the public project there.  So far it's looking pretty good.



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Ok, just checked out the Suras project, and I have 2 words:


Awe Some.  Ok, maybe that's 1 word, but it sounded like 2 in my head!


How do I join?  Do I need to wait for the usergroups to be visible?


*rocks impatiently*

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Hey Verbal32, no you don't have to sign up to join the World Building Project. We ask that you familarize yourself with what has transpired so far (which means a read through teh CDV on page 1 of the thread) and then you are ready to start posting and contributing your ideas. Once you feel ready, you can claim a portion of the world and develop a culture and storylines as you see fit ( as long as they stay within the CDV guides).


That is all there is too it. I hope to see you down there. Oh and the Scribes also offer great assistance to those who write or would like to develop into writers.



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Until they get the usergroup thing fixed, you can only see the main Illuminator's board. But that is where the World Building threads are, so that is ok.


I think they are supposed to have the user groups fixed by the end of the week. Then you can access the Scribes and others.

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